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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ant Species in Mount Holly, NJ; Find & Destroy Nest & More

When it comes to protecting your home from pests, one of the most costly intruders are Carpenter ants. Carpenter ants will infest homes and then chew their nest right inside the walls of your home. Carpenter ants live in wood objects. When outside they will infest trees and wood piles. If they make it inside your home they can nest in the wall, attic and inside other wooden features inside your home. During the spring and summer seasons, carpenter ants begin spreading and will invade many homes throughout New Jersey. Ross Environmental Solutions will share how to identify and control carpenter ants.

Carpenter Ant Species Found in New Jersey

There are eight different known species of carpenterants found throughout New Jersey. One of the most common species of carpenterants is the Black Carpenter ant, which is also the largest.  Carpenter ants are right next to termites inthe amount of damage they can do to a home. Carpenter ants do not eat wood liketermites do. Instead, they have evolved into a species that chews through woodand then uses the strongest wood as shelter. When carpenter ants invade andbecome established, they will never go away. Instead their populations willincrease with each season which is bad news if they have made their way intoyour home. To stop carpenter ants, the entire nest will need to be eliminated.

Carpenter Ants with Wings

In the state of New Jersey, carpenter antsbecome active beginning in May and will slow down by October. During the monthof July, the colony is well established. Therefore, it is important to treatyour home for carpenter ants now (if you haven’t already) to prevent thousandsof dollars worth of damages and repair. During the spring, winged Carpenterants, which are both male and female, leave their home nest to mate. After mating,the female will seek a new home of her own. This behavior is similar to that oftermites. Females will fly up to 300 feet from her original home to find herown nest site. Homes located in wooded areas are often the primary targets for carpenterqueens.

How to Prevent & Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

When it comes to protecting your home from carpenterants, the first strategy is to prevent them from invading your home. Preventionoften begins outside the home. You will first want to keep carpenter ants outof your house. Start by covering your roof ventilation with a fine mesh screento keep ants and other pests out of the attic. Other common points of entry aredoors and windows. Carpenter ants, even the large ones, can still crawl throughcracks particularly those found in doors and windows. Make sure to seal cracksaround the window and door frames. It also helps to use pesticide around theperimeter of the home and around the windows and doors.

Ant Inspections & Control

If there are signs of carpenter ants inside your home, contact a professional pest control service right away. A professional pest control service can help inspect the home and locate the site of the nest. By directly treating the nest, you can stop carpenter ants. For ant control and more, contact Ross Environmental Solutions and schedule our services today.


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