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How to Clean Your Home for Coronavirus COVID-19 on Mantua Township, NJ; Professional Disinfecting Service & More

As all of us continue to social distance and stay quarantined to avoid catching the new virus COVID-19, many of us are left looking for tips to help keep our homes clean and our loved ones safe. The CDC believes that most people catch this virus when they come in close contact with people that are currently infected when they cough or sneeze. However, everyone is wanting to make sure they aren’t coming in contact with this virus when they touch surfaces that have been contaminated. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips for cleaning your home to avoid COVID-19.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Surfaces Contaminated with COVID-19

There have been several studies that have been underway asspecialists try and determine how long COVID-19 can survive on surfaces. Thesestudies are showing that it can live on plastic or steel surfaces for two tothree days. This means that disinfecting needs to take place to keep everyonesafe. Some tips for cleaning and disinfecting include:

  • Be sure to wear gloves while you are cleaning.
  • Wash away any visible dirt from the surfaceusing warm, soapy water followed by a disinfectant.
  • Be sure that there is good ventilation in thearea that you are cleaning.
  • To mix up your own disinfectant mix together adiluted household bleach solution or an alcohol based solution containing atleast 70% alcohol.
  • Make sure your cleaning agent isn’t expired.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after disinfectingthe surface.

How Long Does Coronavirus Live on Clothes?

There haven’t been any conclusive studies that show how longCOVID-19 can survive on your clothes. It is wise to always remove your clothesif you have had any close contact with anyone that is known to have hadCOVID-19 though. This will eliminate the risk of exposure to anyone that isn’timmune to the virus. Once you have removed your clothes, they need to be washedon the warmest setting possible without causing damage to the clothes and thendried completely to ensure they aren’t contaminated in any way.

COVID-19’s Lifespan on Your Skin

There is a serious concern with how long this virus can stayalive on your skin. That is why it is so important that you thoroughly washyour hands anytime you have left the house. If you are out and about, try yourbest to not touch your face as this is the easiest way to contract the virusoff your hands.

Residential, Commercial & Industrial Disinfection Services

If you need to have your home disinfected or even your business while there aren’t customers in there currently, you can rely on Ross Environmental Solutions to handle it for you. Our EPA registered cleaning products kill 99.9% of germs, bacteria and viruses including COVID-19. This hospital grade disinfectant cleaner will knock out any risk that may be there of coronavirus contaminating any surface in your home or business. Call us today!

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