How to Avoid Mosquitoes in Your Mount Laurel, NJ Home; Get Rid of Standing Water, Use Repellents & More
If you sit and think about the most obnoxious pest that you have to deal with during the summer, most people would answer “mosquitoes”. These pests leave behind an itchy, irritating bite as well as spread diseases that can have serious health consequences. If there were a way to completely eliminate them from the Earth, we are pretty sure most people would be on board. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips with you to help keep the mosquito population on your property down to a minimum.
#1: Get Rid of Standing Water to Stop Mosquitoes Breeding
This tip can’t be stressed enough. If you have standing water anywhere in your yard, you will have an increased mosquito population. This is where they lay their eggs, and if they can find water near you, they will use it. It doesn’t take much either; if you have a bottle cap that is filled with water, that’s enough to give mosquitoes the water they need to lay their eggs. Some places that you may find standing water includes:
– Old tires/buckets
– Flower pots
– Bird baths
– Low lying areas in your lawn
– Kiddie pools
– Ponds
– Trash
– & More
Include Mosquito Repellent Plants Such as Citronella in Your Landscape
There are several plants that will naturally repel mosquitoes and should be incorporated in any yard that doesn’t want mosquitoes around. Some plants even go as far as to repel deer and rabbits, which we can all agree will wreak havoc on any landscape. Citronella is the most common plant that homeowners use to keep mosquitoes away.
Use Mosquito Repellent Spray
DEET has gotten a bad rap in the last few years, but in all honesty, it does the best job at keeping mosquitoes away from you. It is especially important to arm small children and the elderly with bug repellent as they are the most susceptible to the disease that mosquitoes carry and transmit to humans. Just like sunscreen, you may need to reapply depending on how long you intent to be outside.
Dress Properly to Prevent Mosquito Bites
If you are wearing clothes that cover your body, you are going to be more successful in keeping yourself guarded from mosquito bites. Wearing light colors like white and pastels has actually been proven to help keep mosquitoes away as well as long pants and shirts.
Use Lanterns & Candles to Keep Mosquitoes & Bugs Away
There are lanterns and candles you can purchase to help you keep mosquitoes away. They are filled with citronella, which mosquitoes don’t like. When you are burning several of these candles or lanterns around the area, it can be helpful in keeping mosquitoes at bay.
Mosquito Control
If you are getting ready to have a gathering outdoors and want to ensure that there won’t be a swarm of mosquitoes that take over the event, you can call on the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to help get rid of them for you. We will spray your property and give you the protection you need to ward off these obnoxious and dangerous pests. Call us today!