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How Do You Keep Pests Out of Your Kitchen Pantry in Sewell, NJ? Proper Food Storage & More

The last thing people want is to walk into their pantry, ready to bake something delicious, only to find that there are bugs in their food. Pantry or stored pests can infest even the cleanest houses. They are a nuisance that can be avoided if you know what you are looking for and have the tools needed to keep them out of your pantry and home. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some of the ways you can avoid pantry pests and the wasted food that can be a result of an infestation.

Inspect & Maintain Your Pantry

If you are getting ready to bake soon or haven’t taken a close look at your pantry for quite some time, this is a good time to do so. You can take a quick inventory of the food in there and check it for any signs of pests. Checking the food in your pantry a few times throughout the year will go a long way in helping you avoid a pantry pest infestation.

Importance of Proper Food Storage

Storing your good properly is going to help you avoid a pantry pest infestation as well. You should avoid using soft containers to store your foods as these are easily penetrable by several different kinds of pests. It is always best to use glass or plastic containers to store your food and keep pests out. Sealing your items in these containers will also help you keep your food fresher for longer as well.

Check Food Expiration Dates

Another thing you need to always be aware of is the expiration date on the food in your pantry. If the date has long since passed, this is a good time to get rid of that food. Much of the food in your pantry isn’t considered perishable, but as it gets older, it can have an effect on the way the food tastes. As food gets old it can start to go bad which will also attract more pests as well. If you have food that is past its expiration date, go ahead and get rid of it.

Clean Cupboards

Not only should you get rid of any food that is past its shelf life, but you should also clean out the cupboards from time to time. If you have crumbs and other remnants of food on the shelves in your pantry, it is a huge attractant to any pests, including pantry pests.

Inspect Grocery Items for Pests

Before you bring your groceries home, you should be checking them to ensure there aren’t signs of pests in them. A lot of the time, you bring them into your home unknowingly. If the packaging is damaged, try and exchange it for one that isn’t.

Pest Management Services

If you have a pantry pest infestation in your home, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of it. Call us today!

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