How Do You Get Rid of Occasional Pest Invader Earwigs in Your Gloucester County, NJ House, Yard & Garden
A superstition exists that earwigs will burrow into the ears of people while they sleep. This is a myth and has no scientific basis. Although, the pincers on the back of their abdomen can look frightening to people! Earwigs will use these pincers to defend themselves and for sparing with rival earwigs.
Earwig Facts; Appearance, Behavior, Diet & Reproduction
There are more than 20 species of earwigs in the United States. sSome earwigs can range in size but are generally about 5/8 of an inch long. They are very slender with two pairs of wings. Some species of earwigs will spray a foul smelling liquid that they use for defense; scientists believe that earwigs cluster together in large numbers because of a pheromone they produce. Immature nymphs resemble adults but do not have wings. Earwigs are active at night and will hide in cracks and damp areas during the day. They can be found living under rocks and logs and in mulch in flowerbeds. Earwigs eat plants and insects. During the winter months, earwigs will spend time in small burrows in the ground. When spring comes, the female lays eggs in the burrow. She will tend the eggs until they hatch. She will continue to care for the nymphs until they are able to find food on their own.
What Causes an Earwig Infestation?
Earwigs are attracted to lights and will make pests of themselves in the summer, on porches and patios. In the morning you can find them gathered under things like cushions left outside overnight. You will find earwigs inside your home when they are looking for nourishment or there is a change in the weather.
Signs of an Earwig Infestation in Your House & Yard
You may have an earwig infestation when you find them in your kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room, as they will have a source of water and they will find their ways into bedrooms and family rooms. They can show up anywhere in the home. The best way to control earwigs is to eliminate their hiding places. If these hiding places are not eliminated, insecticide application will not be able to control them very well. There are different ways to accomplish this. You should move logs, decorative stones, and piles of wood away from the foundation of your home. Make sure that the area around the foundation is free of mulch, dead leaves, and other organic material. This area should be 6-12 inches wide so the earwigs will avoid it. Trim the trees and shrubs that can allow for damp, shady areas near the house. Make sure the gutters and downspouts drain away from the foundation.
Do Earwigs Bite, Pinch or Sting?
Earwig pincers are used for defense. These will not cause stings or bites, as stings bites come from insects that have stingers or biting mouthparts. Larger pincers can cause a painful feeling but there is no venom and will rarely break the skin. If it does happen to break the skin, you would use the same steps you would take if you were scratched. Because earwigs live in the dirt, keep in mind that there is a possibility of germs getting into the cut from the pincers. Some antibiotic lotion and a bandage should do a great job in the healing process.
Earwig Infestation Control in Your House, Yard & Garden
Earwigs can infest many areas inside your home. This means that it may be necessary to use several different insecticide products to control then effectively. Pest control specialists have the right products and equipment to control earwigs effectively. If it feels like earwigs are taking over your home, Call Ross Environmental today.