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How Do I Know if it’s a Rat or Mouse in My Ocean City, NJ House? Difference between Common Rodents

For most of us, the thought of a rodent living and thriving inside our home is more than we can stand to think about. However, it isn’t uncommon for rodents to try and make their way into your home during this time of the year. They seem to find the smallest openings to squeeze their way inside to your warm, comfortable home. There are a few different kinds of rodents that homeowners will more than likely see infest their houses. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about what they look like and what the threat they pose to your home is.

Deer Mice

Deer mice are most well-known for the fact that they are the main carriers of a dangerous virus known as the hantavirus. This happens when you breathe in the air that has particles of their urine and feces floating around. They are most commonly found in rural areas, but they can also become a problem in residential areas when the winter season sets in. The best way to avoid these pests is to store your pet food and birdseed properly so that it doesn’t attract them. Avoid keeping them in sheds and garages as these are the areas that deer mice are most likely to nest.

House Mice

The house mouse is by far the most common rodent that is found in household settings. They can get in through a hole that is as large as a dime. They are known to cause significant property damage, primarily their chewing of electrical wires. When this happens, you could be put at risk of an electrical fire that could prove to be deadly. They are more prone to nest in areas that are dark and cluttered. By keeping your home well organized, you have a better chance at avoiding infestation.

Norway Rats

Norway rats are found throughout the US and are great at burrowing. They primarily like to build nests in crawl spaces and basements where it is dark and undisturbed. These rats can cause quite a lot of damage and can even chew their way through plastic or lead pipes. They also carry with them a number of diseases including the plague, jaundice and cowpox virus.

Roof Rats

While Norway rats burrow, roof rats are known to be excellent climbers. These rodents live in colonies and will always choose nesting locations that are higher up. They are dark black rats and are also carriers of disease like the bubonic plague. If you have any fruit trees on your property, make sure you clean up the fruit as soon as it becomes ripe to help avoid attracting them. Also, store trash properly.

Rodent Control

If you have seen signs of a rodent infestation in your home or on your property, you can turn to the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the problem under control. We will successfully take care of your rodent problem before they damage your home and property. Call us today!

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