How a Handyman Can Improve Your Hammonton, NJ House Value for Appraisal & Home Sale
Getting ready to put your house up for sale? You may have realized your home could use a little bit of a fixing up, or even a little updating. Depending on the individual skill of the homeowner, you might be able to fix up some of the problems yourself. Other things might be beyond you, or you might be moving out before a sale. This is where hiring a handyman can help. Ross Environmental Solutions will cover some basic services that a handyman can do to improve the value of your home.
Handyman VS Remodeling Contractor
Hiring a handyman is for those many miscellaneous projects that come up. A handyman and remodeling contractor are basically the same thing in terms of ability. Where they differ, is simply the size and the scope of the work they perform. A remodeling contractor will most often undertake larger projects that require a lot of coordination in order to complete, such as retrofitting or major overhauls. A handyman can get small jobs done faster and cheaper than hiring a general contractor. Here are some ideas of what a handyman can do to add value to your home.
Handyman Painting Services
Nothing adds a fresh new look to an older home then a fresh coat of paint. A handyman comes fully prepared with all the tools needed to give your home a fresh clean look. We can paint your walls with a professional flair and we can do it very quickly. Adding new molding and floor boards sets off the freshly painted walls, making the rooms feel more modern and new.
Refinishing Kitchen Cabinets & Plumbing Repairs
Refinishing kitchen cabinets can be a cheap way of refreshing the kitchen. Adding new hardware to the cabinets and new faucets are those small things that can be done to add more value to the home and lure buyers to your home. If there is any plumbing repairs needed, make sure to have your handyman get those fixed. Many buyers will hire an inspector to inspect the home and property. Having bad plumbing decreases the value of a home greatly. Be sure to check all bathroom, kitchen, and outdoor plumbing for any leaks. Repair and update any old plumbing.
Floor Care & Popcorn Ceiling Removal
The floors, if possible, should be replaced or professionally cleaned. Don’t just get fixated on the floor, look up and take a good look at your ceiling. For older homes, the popcorn ceiling was very popular. They are not so much any more. Market values can go up and down with fashion. Popcorn ceilings are way out of fashion. Have your handyman remove the popcorn ceiling and use a basic texture. It’s low cost and will help boost the value.
Handyman Yard Work & Clean Up Checklist
A handyman is not just good for repairs on your home. We can also work wonders on your yard. You know the old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well everyone still judges a book by its cover and same goes for a house. Your front yard is the first impression you will make on your home. You may want to clean up and redo some aspects of your yard. Too much clutter and overgrowth yard says “I didn’t take care of my yard” which leads buyers to believe the house is a wreck too. Be sure to clean up, trim back some of that overgrowth. You may need to add a little more to your landscape. You want plenty of green and other colors in the yard. This will make the buyer more interested in looking inside your home.
Hire a Handyman
These are but a few ways hiring a handyman can improve the sale of your home. Handymen are a more affordable way to get everything done fast and professionally. For those who lack the skill, or have already moved away and are unable to work on the home yourself Ross Environmental Solutions provides our own handyman services that can help you get more value for your home or simply help maintain it!