Homemade Fly Traps to Help Keep Flies Away from Inside & Outside of Your House in Bridgeton, NJ
There is nothing worse than flies buzzing around your head as you sit on your couch, or eat dinner, or basically do anything inside your home. No one wants to have a bunch of flies in their house as there is a certain sense of uncleanliness as well as annoyance. There are several ways to get rid of house flies when they have seemed to invade your house. When it comes to the house flies in your home, the best way to completely get rid of them is with professional pest control help. However, there are some traps that you may be able to make with supplies that are simply lying around your home that can help keep them at bay until the professionals arrive. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some DIY house fly traps.
Soda Bottle & Sugar Fly Trap
The first thing you will need to build this trap is obviously a soda bottle. Once you have a 2 liter soda bottle that has been cleaned, cut the top off where the label starts. You will want to fill the bottle with some sort of sweet liquid that will attract the flies and turn that top you cut off upside down and tape it back to the bottle. Flies will definitely find their way in, but they won’t be able to get back out.
Vinegar, Apple Cider & Dish Soap Fruit Fly Trap
Filling up a shallow dish or bowl, you will want to add apple cider vinegar and some sugar. Once you have these two mixed together, you can add a small amount of dish soap to the mix. The best way to trap small fruit flies is to cover it with plastic wrap that has several small holes punches in it. The flies will get stuck in the solution and the dish soap will kill them. For best results, have the dish soap be fruit scented.
Mason Jar Fly Trap
The last trap we have for you includes a mason jar, funnel and some apple cider vinegar. Flies love the apple cider vinegar and will almost instantly be attracted to it. You will fill the bottom of the jar with the solution and place the funnel in the top. Much like the first trap, they will be able to make their way into the jar, but won’t be able to get out of it.
Indoor & Outdoor Fly Control
At Ross Environmental Solutions, we use several different techniques to get rid of the flies in your home. We will work diligently to ensure your home no longer is infested with these gross insects that are more than a nuisance. Whether we use one, or a combination of techniques, you can rest assured that you won’t be dealing with these obnoxious insects for long. Call us today!