How to Get Rid of Pavement Ants in Sidewalk Cracks, Pavers & More in Absecon, NJ
Ants are found everywhere in the world, excluding Antarctica. With over 12,000 species traversing the globe, there are a handful in our own backyard, including pavement ants. Ross Environmental Solutions would like to take the opportunity to expound on pavement ants to help you deal with this annoying pest.
Pavement Ant Identification
Pavement ants are so named because they often make their homes in pavements. They are on the tinier side, measuring in at 1/16” – 1/8” long. They are black-brown in color with all black abdomens, pale legs and antennae. Colonies are moderately large where swarmers, the reproducers, are more active through June and July, but will be seen throughout other times of the year as well. These ants are known to eat pet food, fruit, honeydew, insects, sweets and greasy foods.
Pavement Ant Nests
Pavement ants usually nest outside under cracks of pavement, under stones, and next to buildings. Every now and then they are found in walls, under floors, and in insulation. Pavement ants found in your home are usually under the slab-on-grade construction foragers that enter through expansion cracks in slabs or other small openings such as around pipes and wires.
Signs of Pavement Ants
They generally move in small motions and their trails are easily spotted at night along plumbing pipes and electrical wires. During the spring, pavement ants are more aggressive towards other ants. In order for pavement ants to be effectively neutralized, their colonies and trails need to be adequately dealt with. They are far more active at night as previously stated but they can still be noticed moving around during the day as well. Pavement ants will remove the soil around concrete objects such as sidewalks, patios, driveways, curbs and so on; which displaces soil. This loose dirt can be seen along cracks or joints in the sidewalks or driveways. Inspect around logs or large rocks for colonies as well as around the foundations of your home and underneath brick patios. Finally, pavement ants can also be found behind baseboards, plumbing lines, sinks, toilets, and along the edges of carpets as well as in the insulation of attics and wall voids.
Pavement Ants in House
If pavement ants make it into your home, they will more than likely be seen marching their way through your kitchen in an effort to find any crumbs and easily scavenged food. They are capable of administering bites and stings if they feel threatened but are typically docile and avoid confrontational scenarios. Being that they have multiple queens, they can make super colonies.
Professional Ant Control
When dealing with pavement ants, professionals are an ideal resource to effectively remove them from your home or business grounds. The professionals of Ross Environmental Solutions, are skilled, experienced, and trained in dealing with pavement ants and can ensure that they are efficiently exterminated. During our thorough inspection, we will determine exactly what species you are dealing with and present a custom course of action and different species of ants require different treatment methods to be effective. Call Ross Environmental Solutions today for our pavement ant and other pest control and we exterminate their colonies quickly and efficiently.