How to Get Rid of Norway Rats in Bridgeton, NJ; Burrows, Droppings, Diseases & More
Is your home or business being invadedby rats? In the New Jersey area, especially in the southern areas, there are two major species of rats that commonly become a problem for homes and businesses. One is the roof rat and the other is the Norway rat. Ross Environmental Solutions is putting the spotlight on the Norway rat; how you can identify this rodent as well as prevent and control them around your home or commercial business.
Norway Rat Size & Identification
Norway rats are considered to be an aggressive rodent invader. They are sometimes also referred to as a sewer rat, water rat brown or gray rat. They are one of the largest rat species found in America. They reach up to eight inches long and that is not including their tail. Norway rats feature small eyes, ears and feet as compared to the rest of their body. Norway rats have a round nose unlike most other rat species. Norway rats also have one of the shorter tails as to body length and more so than any other rat species. They have scales versus hair on their tails. The coloring of the Norway rat can vary from brown, to tan or gray with a white, gray or yellowish underbelly. Their fur is shaggy with black hair scattered through their fur.
Norway Rat Infestations
One of the many reasons why Norway rats can become a major issue is how often they can reproduce. A single female Norway rat can mate seven times a year and have up to 12 pups per litter. Additionally, a pup can reach full adulthood within just three months. Because of these factors Norway rats can infest an area very quickly.
Signs of Norway Rats; Burrows, Droppings, Smudges on Walls, Chewed Wiring etc
Norway rats are very bold and don’t try to hide from people like other rats species. If you’re seeing them roaming around and they don’t scatter when you approach them, it is most likely a Norway rat. If you see dirt smudge marks along walls or see chewed wiring or pipes as well as droppings, these are some classic signs of rat infestation.
Norway Rat Prevention
Preventing Norway rats starts by removing food and water sources. This means stopping up or repairing leaky plumbing all throughout the building and property. Seal trash disposal areas and all food in air tight containers. Afterward, your next biggest battle is depriving rats of shelter. Yard debris and clutter both around the outside and inside of the home needs to be cleared away. However, rats will still be drawn inside human structures for the need to find any kind of shelter. That’s why your next step is control.
Norway Rat Rodent Control
It is not advisable to try to trap, kill or dispose of rodents yourself as handling them can cause the transmission of harmful bacteria and diseases. It is best to call a professional pest control company that knows the best places, products and methods to successfully remove rodents from your property. Ross Environmental Solutions offers expert rodent control services if you find your home or business overrun. Norway rats can become a problem quickly, so don’t wait to begin rodent control. For all of your pest control needs, Ross Environmental Solutions can help. Contact us today.