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How to Get Rid of Infestations of Pharaoh Ants in Your Mantua Township, NJ House, Apartment or Health Care Facility

Ants can become a real nuisance. Waking up to them crawling all over your kitchen will send you into a frenzy. Pharaoh ants are small yellow or light brown with a darker abdomen. They are almost transparent and notorious for being a major indoor nuisance pest and will thrive in buildings almost anywhere.

What Do Pharaoh Ants Eat & Where Do They Live?

Pharaoh ants build colonies that contain many queens which allows the colony to break up into bud colonies. Their tiny size allows them to travel to many places. They have a non-functional stinger used to generate pheromones. Worker ants are about 1/16th of an inch in size. They will feed on a wide range of foods that contain proteins, fats and sweets as well as dead and live insects. Indoors they like to nest in warm areas and are able to stay well-hidden and will forage far away from the nest, with trails marked by pheromones. They will nest in wall voids, under appliances, in wall outlets and under carpets for protection. Pharaoh ants are usually found in the kitchen or bathrooms because there is a source of water around toilets, drains, sinks and countertops. Workers can be seen trailing along window sills and baseboards and will also use plumbing or electrical wires to go from room to room. When they are outside, they will nest in lawns and gardens and will be found around buildings where there is a constant source of moisture like sprinkler systems and AC units. Pharaoh ant nests are rarely found and they will move to a nearby location if the colony becomes too large or is disturbed.

Health Risks of Pharaoh Ants

Although their bites themselves aren’t particularly painful, pharaoh ant pose other health risks. These ants can carry and may transmit many diseases, such as staphylococcus, salmonella and clostridium which may cause botulism. Pharaoh ants are well known for transmitting diseases in hospitals and other health care facilities. They seek warm and moist places, and often try to inhabit wounds under soiled bandages which spreads bacteria and illness.

Pharaoh Ant Infestation Prevention

Eliminating the queen and other workers is the most effective way to control pharaoh ants. You want to eliminate the entire colony. Dealing only with the ants you see is a common mistake as these ants are only a small part to the colony. Because of their tiny size, they will enter through small cracks and crevices, which makes sealing the structure pretty much impossible so sanitation is important. Remove food scraps from the kitchen and keep the countertops clean. Pet food should be covered or picked up at night. Over the counter ant pest control products are largely ineffective so it is recommended a professional pest control company be consulted to treat pharaoh and other types of ants.

Ant Control & Extermination

All species of ants are difficult to control but Pharaoh ants particularly so as they are so invasive and resilient against common ant treatments. Pharaoh ants will also take advantage of artificial heating in buildings to survive the winter so you may be dealing with them all year round. If you suspect or discover Pharaoh ants in you home or business, call Ross Environmental Solutions for a consultation and inspection to determine the best course of action!

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