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How Do You Get Rid of Firewood Bugs & Pests in Atlantic City, NJ? Keep Dry, Rotate Wood & More

It’s that time of the year when more and more people are getting ready to start a fire in their home to keep warm on these colder fall nights. There is nothing more cozy than a roaring fire in your fireplace or wood burning stove. However, if you have a fireplace, that means that you have a stack of firewood somewhere on your property. One big problem with firewood is that these stacks become home to a number of different pests. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you keep firewood pests under control and out of your house.

How to Keep Firewood Pests Out of Your House

There are several pests that will make a home in your firewood. Some of them include pests like termites, carpenter ants, rodents, spiders and bark lice. These pests are all ones that you don’t want to find scurrying through your home. Following are some tips that will help you keep firewood pests out of your house this fall and winter:
– Keep Firewood Dry: When you have firewood that is dry, it is going to be far less likely to house many pests including termites and carpenter ants. These insects look for wood that is filled with moisture as it is easier to eat and break down. Make sure your firewood is covered so that it isn’t getting rained or snowed on this winter.
– Store Firewood Properly: You want to make sure that you’re storing your firewood in the right place as well. You shouldn’t be storing it anywhere near your home. While it might sound convenient to have it right next to your back door, this gives pests easy access to your house. It is optimal if you can store your firewood at least 25 feet away from any entrance into your house.
– Rotate Firewood: If you have to cut more firewood throughout the season, make sure you’re putting that firewood at the bottom of the stack and using the old firewood first. This will keep it rotated and moving so that you don’t have a pest problem.
– Keep Firewood Off the Ground: You should never store your firewood on the ground. Storing the wood about 6 inches off the ground will keep pests like termites out of it. These pests live in the ground and travel to their food source. Make sure the wood isn’t coming in contact with the earth for best results.

Year Round Pest Control

If you have a pest problem this fall and winter, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them for good. We have the experience and expertise to handle any pest problems that you’re dealing with. It is our goal to ensure your home remains free of pests as the weather starts to cool off. Leave it up to our highly trained technicians to seal up your home and keep pests out. Call us today!

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