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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Burlington, NJ; Sniffing Bed Bug Detection Dog Inspections & More

Ross Environmental Solutions is proud to have a special bed bug detection force composed of our specially trained bed bug sniffing dogs and experienced handlers! Mankind has been using sniffing dogs since the dog was first domesticated. Canines have been trained to sniff out drugs, bombs, weapons, and now pests. Bed bugs can be extremely difficult to find, so the use of trained sniffing dogs has greatly helped bed bug detection during inspections. Ross Environmental Solutions would like to share more about these great dogs, how they can help determine if you have a bed bug infestation, and what you can do treat your home if bed bugs are found.

Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs

Canines, as most people know, have a great sense of smell. Depending on the breed, some dogs can pick up old scents or pick up a scent that is over 300 feet away. Dogs can zero onto a single scent in rain, mud, and snow. Due to the canine’s great success with scent training, pest control companies decided it was time to make canines part of the team.

Visual VS K9 Bed Bug Detection

There are those pest control companies that feel that human inspection is more useful and reliable than canine detection. However, since canines have been used for bed bug inspection, the success rate has risen a to 97% accuracy compared to human inspection that hovers at about a 30% percent rate. Bed bug eggs are very small and so are the nymphs. Additionally, they are cream to transparent in color. Only adult bed bugs are easily spotted and even then, an adult bed bug is no bigger than an apple seed. Another factor that makes bud bugs hard to find is that they retreat during the day. They hide in dark, secluded areas and are not always found hiding in beds or box springs. Bed bugs will travel 10 feet to get to their food source each night. This means bed bugs can be hiding anywhere within 10 feet of the bed. Because bed bug dogs are trained to hone in on the bed bug’s scent, they can quickly locate bed bugs in any room within minutes, making the inspection quicker and easier. Due to the success of these specially trained dogs, the demand for canine inspection is increasing.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

There are several ways to treat a home that has been infested by bed bugs. One way that is very effective is to steam or treat the house with heat. With steaming or heating machines placed throughout the home, and especially in the affected areas, these devices raise temperatures to 180 degrees. At 115 degrees, bed bugs will begin to dry out and die. This process uses no chemicals and is toxic free. Another similar method is freezing. We use a device kind of like a fire extinguisher. The pest control technician uses a CO2 spray and freezes the area to -110 degree which kills the bed bugs. Other methods use pesticides and sprays to eliminate bed bugs.

Bed Bug Inspections & Removal

If you believe your home has been infested with bed bugs, contact Ross Environmental Solutions. With our highly trained sniffing inspectors, we can help locate and treat your home for bed bugs. Contact us today!

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