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How to Get Rid of an Argentine Ant Supercolony with Multiple Queens in Mount Holly, NJ

There are a number of species of ants found throughout New Jersey. Spring and summer time is a busy season for all ant species, including Argentine Ants. One of the major considerations when Argentine ants invade a home is how quickly their population will increase. Argentine ants can have multiple queens in a nest and they reproduce quickly. They are also a very invasive species when they are found inside the home. Ross Environmental Solutions will share more about this ant species and what you can do to help clean them out of your home.

Argentine Ant Identification

The Argentine Ant has a smooth, hairless body that is either black or dark brown in color. They have antennae that has12 segments. They can reach anywhere from 1/8 to 3/16 of an inch in length. Argentine ants aren’t native and when they invade an area, they can displace native ants due to their numbers. Argentine ants will live in damp soil or moist areas including under yard debris and under the foundations of homes. They will even use the cracks in foundation to invade homes.

Argentine Ant Supercolony

One of the major problems with Argentine ants is their numbers. As stated before, Argentine ants can have multiple queens that are being supported in a single nest and these queens breed and reproduce rapidly. Known as supercolonies, Argentine ants can be a major problem once they create a foraging trail inside your home. It doesn’t matter how many you think you’ve killed, they will just keep coming. Argentine ants love to feed on decaying food or waste and they will spread bacteria wherever they travel or forage. Argentine ants will feed mouth to mouth to the queens and the larva which is why one of the best control methods is using baits.

Argentine Ant Prevention

To help prevent future invasions it is recommended to practice pest exclusion. This mean seal any cracks or spaces ants and other pests are using to enter your home. However, the best exclusion exercise for ants is removing all sources of shelter, food, and water. This means making sure garbage areas are sealed. Also ensure there is no food left out and all pantry goods are stored in airtight containers. Additionally, repair any leaking pipes, spouts or faucets that can provide ants with water or cause damp areas that will attract Argentine Ants.

Ant Control

When you have an Argentine ant invasion, it’s best to leave this one to the professionals. They are a very sturdy species of ants and you must target the queens to stop future invasion. This is where the experience of the professionals come in. We will find the best place for bait and may even locate the nest and place bait closer to their home. As the worker ants feed the queens the bait, they will eventually die out. Along with bait, our professional pest control specialists will treat the inside and outside of the home to help stop ants from entering inside. To completely rid your home of Argentine ants the process may take a few days and even weeks. It depends on how well the queens receive the bait. If you need help protecting your home from Argentine ants or any other pests, contact Ross Environmental Solutions. We provide excellent service and help protect your home from pests!

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