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Do Earwigs Really Crawl or Fly in Your Ears in Mantua Township, NJ? No But They Do Eat Plants!

The earwig is a strange looking insect with an even stranger name. The name earwig leads you to believe you should guard your ears against this pest. Fortunately, even though their name makes people believe this, it doesn’t make it true. Yes, earwigs could possibly crawl into your ear, but so could a number of other insects as well. Earwigs aren’t looking for ears to burrow in and lay eggs. Their name is grossly misleading. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about facts and control solutions for earwigs.

Do Earwigs Fly With Their Wings?

Have you ever seen an earwig fly? We haven’t either. That is because, even though they have wings and could totally use them, they would rather crawl around than fly. If you ever see an earwig flying, take a picture because you won’t see it happen again. They are usually found underneath mulch and rocks, places that offer them refuge and moisture.

What Do Earwigs Eat?

Earwigs are omnivores which means they eat plants as well as other insects. They enjoy a large variety in their diet and can survive in many settings because of this. Even though the pinchers on their backs are intimidating, they don’t usually set out to harm humans and you shouldn’t feel frightened of earwigs.

There are Over 1,000 Earwig Species

Earwigs have been around the U.S. since the early 1900s and there are over 1,000 species discovered. The species you will most likely spot in your yard are the European earwigs, but there are around 20 species that have been found in the country.

How to Get Rid of Earwigs

Eliminating an earwig’s habitat is going to be your best bet at getting rid of this pest. Earwigs are most attracted to moisture. If you have any problem areas in your home or in your yard, fix them so there is no standing moisture that is attracting this pest. Another great control tip includes cleaning up the yard. Your gutters and downspouts are often places that have leaves and debris built up and accumulate moisture. Check around faucets and your foundation for any rocks and debris that could be home to earwigs. Of course you want to eliminate any areas around your home that earwigs could gain entry. Using caulking, check the windows and foundation for any cracks that need to be filled. Earwigs don’t need a large opening to squeeze their way into your home. You can also use dimmer lights on the exterior of your home since they are attracted to bright lights at night.

Earwig Control

The only true way to eliminate this pest is with the help of a pest control company. The pest control experts at Ross Environmental Solutions have the tools necessary to eliminate earwigs in the problem areas on your property. Using pesticides on your own can be dangerous to yourself and the ones that you love. Call us today for any of your pest control needs.

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