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What are the Early Signs of Termites in Washington Township, NJ? Termite Swarmer Wings, Mud Tubes & More

For most homeowners, the thought of having a termite infestation in their home is a nightmare they don’t plan to ever want. Unfortunately, these small insects can infiltrate the walls of your home and destroy your home’s structure with little to no indication that they are even there. This is why it is so important that homeowners know the early signs of termite infestation. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about these early signs in hopes to help homeowners avoid serious damage to their home due to termite infestation.

How Can You Tell if You have Termite Damage?

Like mentioned above, there are many small and subtle signs that are often present when you are dealing with termites in your home. It is important that you are aware of and looking for these signs in your home to avoid damage to your property.
– Termite Swarmer Wings: If you have noticed that there are wings around the windows or doors of your home, it is a sign that you have a termite infestation. Termite alates swarm in the spring to find a location to set up their new colonies. These wings should all be the same size if you are dealing with termites.
– Termite Bodies: After termites fly away from there nest and tear off their wings they can be mistaken for ants by a homeowner. The 2 easiest ways to distinguish termites from ants are to look at the antenna, ants antenna are elbowed and termites are beaded. Ants also have 3 distinct body segments, while termites have a thick waist.
– Termite Mud Tubes: If you see tiny mud tubes around the outside of your home, primarily on the foundation, it could be a subterranean termite infestation you have. They create these mud tubes to travel from their nest in the ground to their food source which happens to be your house.
– Hollow Wood: If you suspect you are dealing with termites, you need to know that the damage they cause can be extensive. So much so, that you can knock on the walls that they have infested and hear the hollowness of the wood they have torn through. If you hear any hollow sound when knocking on wood, there’s a good chance there is extensive damage to your home.

Termite Inspection & Treatment

If you are dealing with a possible termite infestation in your home, it is time to act. Ross Environmental Solutions can help eradicate any termite infestation you may have in your home so that you can avoid thousands of dollars in property damage. Call us today!

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