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Early Signs of Bed Bugs in Mount Laurel, NJ; Bed Bug Inspections for Bites, Stains & More

When you or your family members keep waking up with itchy bug bites, you may begin to wonder; Do I have bed bugs? Bed bugs can be a year round problem especially during or after vacation season or after you host guests. Bed bugs are passenger pests or hitchhiking pests that spread by hitching a ride on almost anything. You can pick up bed bugs anywhere, such as on a bus, cab, train, airplane and hotels. They will crawl in bags, purses, and on clothing. Once they claim a suitable living environment, such as your home, and they have found a stable food source; they will breed and begin populating your home. If you wonder if your home is filled with bed bugs Ross Environmental Solutions will share some basic signs to look for to know if you have bed bugs.

Bed Bug Bites

All bugs that sting or bite have their own signature. Bed bugs can create small red bumps with mild swelling. Often they will appear in small clusters or even a row. They are very itchy. However, sometimes it can take a few hour before they appear. Bed bugs feed on the blood of mammals, mostly humans since we have far less body hair which makes it easier to feed. Bed bugs will puncture the skin multiple times to find a sweet spot where the blood flows, additionally when there are groups of bed bugs they will often feed together which results in the cluster or straight row of bites.

Bed Bug Stains

Bed bugs received their name since more often than not, they are found near the bed. However they can also be found in couches and other furniture. After feeding, their abdomen fills with blood and if they get squashed their belly can easily pop and then they’ll die. When they burst they can leave reddish spots on bedding or sheets. Bed bugs will also leave behind feces which also can stain bedding or sheets, leaving small reddish brown spots. You can find these stains on the mattress or pillow as well. If you have red or brown spots on your bedding, you mostly like have bed bugs.

Seeing Bed Bugs During the Day

You can go looking for bed bugs if you think you have them infesting your home. They are flat and oval shaped bugs with little legs. They are very small, no bigger than an apple seed when full grown. You can see them with the naked eye but they often get missed due to their size. They also hide during the day, typically in dark areas or tight cracks. You may want a flashlight and a magnifying glass to help you while you search. You can look in the mattress and box spring first and then work outward from there. They like rough surfaces such as wood, cloth, and other grainy surfaces they can grip. They cannot grip glass or smooth metal surfaces. If you still can’t find them, yet you still believe they are somewhere hiding in your home, contact a professional bed bug inspector.

Bed Bug Inspections & Treatment

Ross Environmental Solutions provides bed bug inspections and even use highly trained bed bug sniffing dogs to locate what sometimes can’t be seen. If you have bed bugs, we will find them! We can help treat your home for bed bugs and provide quality pest control services. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions today.

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