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Does a Mosquito Bite or Sting in Mount Holly, NJ? Mosquitoes Suck Blood & Can Spread Dangerous Diseases

Many people refer to the itchy welts left behind by mosquitoes as bites. This is only part of the way true. They don’t sting you like a bee or wasp either though. Mosquitoes have a small needle-like nose that they insert into your body and suck out your blood. They can be irritating as well as carriers and transmitters of disease. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to explain exactly what a mosquito bite is and why you should avoid them at all costs.

How Do Mosquitoes Find You?

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you are spending time outside at dusk, mosquitoes seem to know you are there right away? They seem to come out of nowhere to get their next meal. The way that they know to come calling is the carbon dioxide you are exhaling as you breathe. In fact, they can detect this carbon dioxide from up to 55 yards away. No wonder they are experts at finding their victims. That’s half of a football field!

Mosquitoes Don’t “Bite”

Mosquitoes don’t bite you like a dog or a cat would, they actually pierce your skin with a small needle. They are so light that most people don’t even realize that a mosquito is there until they actually start to suck your blood. They find a vein or capillary and start sucking. That’s when people usually feel it and start swatting. It is important to note that only female mosquitoes need your blood and will come looking for you. This is because blood is needed for them to lay their eggs. Both males and females also feed off of plant nectar.

Mosquitoes Don’t “Sting”

When you get stung by a bee or a wasp, you know it. It is incredibly painful as they use the small needles on their backside to inject venom into your body. This is why mosquitoes don’t sting either. They don’t inject anything at all. The needle that mosquitoes have on their nose pierces your skin and moves around until they have found what they are looking for….blood vessels. Unlike bees and wasps, a blood sucking mosquito isn’t really felt at all. This is because their saliva contains chemicals that reduce pain and numb the area momentarily. These chemicals also thin your blood to prevent it from clotting.

Mosquitoes Suck Blood & Can Transmit Disease

There are many diseases and viruses that can be carried by mosquitoes and then passed on to you as they suck your blood. Some of the most common ones are West Nile Virus and Zika Virus. Some illnesses carried by mosquitoes are serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Mosquito Control

Because of the risk of disease, you should avoid mosquitoes at all costs. The experts at Ross Environmental Solutions can help reduce the amount of mosquitoes in your yard and property with our state of the art equipment. Call us today!

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