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What Diseases Can Humans Get from Mice & Rats in Burlington, NJ? Hantavirus, Rat-Bite Fever & More

If you have ever dealt with rodents in your home, you know how extensive the damage to your home can be. Mice and rats can leave serious damage in the wake as well as dangerous droppings too. When mice and rats have made your house their home, you aren’t only at risk of property damage but disease as well. They carry several diseases that can be extremely dangerous to anyone that come into contact with them. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about each of these diseases so that you know what you’re facing.

What Diseases Do Mice & Rats Carry & Spread?

It is important to know what the diseases carried by mice and rats are so that you know what you are up against when they get into your home. Following are the most common diseases that mice and rats spread:
– Hantavirus: One of the most well known viruses that you can catch from mice is the Hantavirus. It is spread by breathing in air that has been contaminated by mouse feces, urine and saliva. This can lead to headaches, dizziness, chills, fever, muscle aches and more. Make sure you’re cleaning up rodent feces carefully with protective gear.
– Bubonic Plague: When many people think of the Plague, they think of how it killed so many Europeans during the Middle Ages. However, this is a disease that can still be a problem today. When someone is bitten by an infected flea that has come from a rodent, it can leave that person infected with bubonic plague. Symptoms include fever, headache, and painfully swollen lymph nodes. There is on average 7 cases of bubonic plague each year in the United States.
– Rat-Bite Fever: Another potentially fatal disease that is spread by rodents is rat-bite fever. You can get it directly by an infected rodent and you can also get it from eating food that has been contaminated by rodents. People usually experience fever, headache, rash and muscle aches about 3-10 days after coming in contact with it.
– Salmonellosis: This common form of food poisoning can be spread by eating food that has been contaminated by mice and rats. It will leave its victims absolutely miserable and terribly sick. Symptoms usually include severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain.

How to Keep Rodents Out of Your House

The best way to avoid these diseases is to keep rats and mice out of your home in the first place. This is done by making sure there are not any holes or openings that allow access into your home. Remember, mice only need an opening as large as a dime to get into your home. Give your home a full inspection to ensure there are no ways for the rodents to get inside.

Rodent Inspections & Control

If you are struggling with mice and rats on your property, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them for good. We know how to best get rid of these pests that can cause serious health risks as well as property damage to your home. Call us today!

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