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What Damage to Eastern Gray Squirrels Cause in Bridgeton, NJ & How to Get Rid of Squirrel Wildlife

The cute fluffy tails that seem to bounce behind squirrels as they climb and run around your property can be deceiving. These rodents can become not so cute when they decide they want to live in your home with you. Eastern gray squirrels are a problem for homeowners in South New Jersey. They can cause significant damage to your property. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about how you can control the damage the is caused by Eastern gray squirrels.

What Damage Do Eastern Gray Squirrels Cause?

Squirrels will often find any opening that they can to get into your home during the winter and other times of the year. They have a tendency to take advantage of any small opening they can find. Sometimes, they will gnaw at those openings to make them bigger until they can gain access into your home. Following are some of the problems they can cause once they get inside.
– Electrical Damage: The gray squirrel is notorious for chewing. Their teeth never stop growing and they must constantly gnaw so their lower incisors do not grow through the roof of their mouth into their brain. Electrical wiring is a favorite for this purpose. Once they have taken up residence in your attic, they can cause severe damage to your electrical wiring and potentially create a fire hazard. They don’t only gnaw on wires either, they will chew on many different parts of your home inside and out, that can end up costing the homeowner a significant amount of money.
– Nesting: The insulation that is found in your attic makes the perfect place for eastern gray squirrels to make their nests. It can cause damage to the insulation and all the insulation will have to be removed.
– Urine & Feces: When they choose your home to nest in, this means that they will leave behind urine and feces as well. This can be a health hazard to anyone that is living in the house.

How Do You Keep Squirrels Out of Your House?

The best way to make sure squirrels don’t get into your home is to make sure there is no way they can get in. Here are some tips to ensure they can’t get inside.
– Mesh Attic Screens: You more than likely have vents that give access into the attic. Make sure they are covered with mesh netting so that squirrels can get through them.
– Pest Proof Chimneys: They often build their nests in the chimneys of houses as well. This is another place that you should make sure is blocked off with mesh so that they can’t get in there and cause problems.
– Trim Trees: Make sure your trees are trimmed back from your home. They shouldn’t come within 6 ft of the home to keep squirrels from jumping to the house from the trees.

Wildlife Control

If you are struggling with Eastern gray squirrels on your property, you can turn to the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. Eastern gray squirrels are nothing new to us and we have extensive experience in getting rid of them. Call us today!

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