Damage Caused by Rodents in Cherry Hill, NJ; Mice Droppings, Rat Nests, Food Contamination & More
‘Tis the season to get your home ready for the cold weather that is bound to come soon. As the weather starts to cool, you will find that there are several pests that will be trying to make their way into your home. This includes rat and mice populations. There are several reasons you don’t want these pesky creatures to invade your home this winter. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about the damage that can be caused by a rat or mice infestation in your home.
Damage Caused by Rats & Mice to Your House
Rats and mice are not only gross, but they can cause a lot of damage to your home if left unchecked. Following are some of the ways that they can wreak havoc on your house.
- Rodent Chewing Wires: By nature, mice and rats are chewers. They will chew through just about anything as they build their nest. This could include electrical wiring, wood, paper, fabric and more.
- Mice Droppings & Damage to Attic Insulation: The insulation in your attic is the perfect place for them to build their nest. They will chew through insulation and even start to chew on wiring which can be a real fire threat. You don’t want them tunneling through insulation as they build their nest.
- Mouse Nest in Couch: Another place they like to build nests is in upholstery. They will gnaw their way through a nice upholstered chair or couch to build a nest inside.
- Rat Nest in Storage: The places that you use to store your belongings that aren’t often used is the perfect place for mice and rats to set up their nest. It is often undisturbed as well as cluttered which is the perfect fit. They will completely ruin boxes upon boxes of your valuables as they do this.
Food Contaminated By Mice & Rats
Not only will mice ruin the structure of your home as well as belongings, but they aren’t picky about their diet either. They will get into any food that you don’t have stored properly. When they get into the food, it is completely ruined and contaminated by the diseases that are often carried by mice and rats. Not only do they eat your food, but they contaminate it further by leaving behind droppings, urine, hair and nibbling on the packaging of several foods as they attempt to get something to eat. No food is safe from mice that have entered into your home.
Rodent Control
The best way to keep mice and rats out of your home is to close any access points that may be present. The pest experts at Ross Environmental Solutions can help you get your home ready for the winter weather that is sure to come our way. If you have rats or mice that have already gotten into your home, we will make sure they are taken care of and your home is rodent free. Call us today!