Could COVID-19 Create a Tick Pandemic in Burlington, NJ? How to Avoid Tick Bites this Summer
As Americans go stir crazy with social distancing and quarantine orders, more and more people are itching to get outside and into the great outdoors. Whenever you are spending time outside in the Northeast, you need to be on high alert for tick activity. They are a common problem that can completely alter your life if you contract Lyme disease or other diseases transmitted by ticks. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about how COVID-19 may make this one of the worst tick years yet and how to avoid them.
Is COVID-19 Making This an Especially Bad Tick Year?
When speaking of COVID-19, there is no way that it can actually cause ticks to become a bigger problem. The way that COVID-19 can have an effect on the matter is that people aren’t thinking about ticks. They are only thinking about getting out of their house and avoiding this virus. It can’t be stressed enough how important it is that people are mindful of ticks and doing everything in their power to avoid getting bitten by them. With COVID-19, people have their guards down, which puts them at a greater risk.
Tips to Avoid Tick Bites
There are several things you can do to avoid getting bitten by ticks. Following are our best tips:
- Use Tick Repellent: When choosing a repellant to help keep ticks away from you, it is important to choose one with DEET or Permethrin that will effectively keep ticks off your body.
- Be Aware of Ticks in Yard: While many people think that hiking and camping are the times they need to be worried about ticks, it isn’t the case. Ticks are actually often found out in your yard. When you are playing in the yard or gardening, ticks can easily climb onto your body or your children. It is important that you are frequently checking for ticks anytime you spend time outside.
- Stay in the Sun: Ticks aren’t as likely to be found in direct sunlight. This is because when they are nymphs, they can’t survive without about 80% humidity because they have leaky cuticles that rapidly lose moisture. This is why they are most often found in dense, shady areas.
- Clean Up Your Yard to Keep Ticks Away: Ticks are often found near the perimeter of your yard, near dense trees. You can use your landscaping to keep out rodents that will bring ticks with them like rabbits. You can also clean up leaf piles and other debris in your yard that gives them refuge.
- Wear Tick Protective Clothing: Wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts when hiking will drastically decrease your chances of a tick encounter.
Tick Inspections & Control
If you seem to be struggling with a tick problem on your property, you can count on the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the problem under control. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe from tick bites. Call us today for all your pest control needs!