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What Are The Most Common Types of House Flies Causing Infestations In Deptford, NJ?

When the temperature starts to rise and the summer months start up you will be dealing with different types of pests. One of the pests that are a huge concern in the summer are flies. They are a pest that can be a real nuisance and most people want to do their best to get them out of their home. The problem is that many people think the only way to get rid of flies is to go out and get a fly swatter or roll up some newspaper. Then you have to stealthily stalk each one individually and smack it before it gets away. This is painstaking and can take a serious amount of time. Unfortunately, the flies in your home cannot be prevented by simply trying to keep your windows and doors closed or screened off. It is important to first identify the species of fly or flies that have invaded your home to best treat this pest problem.

Ross Environmental Solutions Outlines the Most Common House Flies

Common House Fly: If you are suffering from flies in your home, one of the most prevalent species is the common house fly. They can be identified by their coloring. They are grey in color and have black stripes down their thorax. They are most commonly found on the walls, ceiling and corners. They are known to be attracted to dog food, human food and garbage. One of the biggest issues that occur when dealing with house flies is the reproduction. The most interesting thing is that female flies will be carrying about 100 eggs. The worst part is that if eggs are in an area that is warm they can hatch in as little as 12 hours. That means that in less than a day the single annoying fly can end up being a hundred by the end of the day. That is a lot of flies to chase around! House flies are more than a nuisance. They are strongly suspected of transmitting over 60 diseases to humans. These include dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy and tuberculosis. House flies regurgitate and excrete wherever they rest on surfaces including food and food preparation areas.
Bottle Fly: One of the other flies that you might be dealing with this summer is what is called a bottle fly otherwise known as a blow fly. The flies are often identified by their coloring. They are known to have metallic colors that are usually blue and green. This iridescent color looks shiny when the sun hits them. One of the other things that sets them apart from common house flies is they make a buzzing noise. They are similar with their reproduction in the way that they hatch their eggs in a short amount of time. They can lay about 2000 eggs in their life and each egg only takes about two days to emerge. As blow flies routinely move between dead animals or dung (including pet waste in your backyard) and human habitats such as your kitchen; they may transmit disease organisms to humans, including the bacteria that causes dysentery, cholera and typhus.
Cluster Fly: Cluster flies are about 1/4 to 3/8 inch long. They are dark gray in color and when crushed, they give off an odor similar to buckwheat honey. Cluster flies look a lot like house flies, but cluster flies are usually larger and have a yellowish sheen on their thorax. Cluster flies emerge in the spring and summer seasons. They have been known to sneak in around the edges of windows; even those that have been weather-proofed! As the number of cluster flies attracted to your home or building increases, large clusters of flies can be found inside quiet and undisturbed parts of your home such as wall voids, attics and false ceilings. Cluster flies are attracted to light, so they are usually found around windows and at night, around lamps. Thankfully, cluster flies are not suspected of transmitting disease to humans.

Indoor Fly Control

Ross Environmental Solutions offers pest control services to treat for flies and other pests that are invading your home or business this summer. We are well versed on fly biology and habits and can correctly identify the type of flies as well as locate the breeding sources specific to those species. On the outside of your building, flies can be originating from garbage, animal feces or even a dead animal. On the inside, flies can be breeding in organic material found in floor drains, trash sewers or drains. Ross Environmental Solutions will note any sanitation problems and recommend effective repair and treatment solutions including sealing and excluding flies and other pests. Contact us to customize a pest management program for your home or business today!

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