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Common Sources & Causes of Indoor Mold During Winter in Gloucester County, NJ; Water Leaks & More

The change in the weather means a change in the things that a homeowner has to worry about. When the hot summer months are here, the paint on your home can start to chip. The fall and spring mean an influx in pests that are trying to invade and infest your home while the winter means cold, wet weather. The cold, wet weather is also what will lead to an increase in the amount of mold you might have in your home. The amount of ways that mold can start to grow in your home is extensive and even a small amount is a problem for your family’s health. It is imperative that the mold is remedied and treated accordingly as soon as the problem arises.

Ross Environmental Solutions Outlines Some Common Ways Mold Can Grow in Your House During the Winter Months

Live Christmas Trees Can Be a Source of Mold: This may seem like a very unlikely source but it is a source none the less. If you choose to have a live Christmas tree in your home you are then obligated to care for you. Although the tree is no longer living on a system of roots it still needs to be kept as moist as possible. The best way to do that is to have a tree stand that houses water at the base. The issue is that you need to continue to add water to the base on a regular basis. If you choose to not water the tree it will start to die and all the sharp needles will litter your floor. When people water the tree and you spill on the carpet or floor you are now giving mold an avenue to grow. If your tree stand is damaged and the water slowly is seeping out you are giving the mold the perfect atmosphere to grow. You want to thoroughly inspect your stand as well as use caution when watering the tree so that no spills occur.
Mold from Water Pipe Leak in Ceiling, Wall or Floor: The winter means that the temperatures will start to drop. In many places it gets cold enough that pipes will start to freeze. They can then burst and that will lead to water leaking. If the water happens to leak in or around your home you could have mold growing. The bathrooms and kitchen are one of the most common areas that pipes will start to leak in the house. If the pipe has a slow leak under a cabinet you could have mold growing for days before you realize you even have a problem. You want to ensure that the pipes are repaired and the water damage and mold are treated as soon as possible.
Winter Storm Damage Can Cause Mold in Attics: The winter also brings with it some pretty nasty storms. These storms include wind, rain and snow that can cause damage to your roof or siding. If this occurs that water has the ability to get in the house and walls and that can allow the mold to grow. You want to inspect your home carefully for signs of water damage after a storm this winter.

Mold Removal, Remediation & Prevention

Ross Environmental Solutions offers many quality services including mold removal and remediation. We are also proud to be able to offer mold prevention services as well. Ross Environmental Solutions is an accomplished Mold Management Contractor. We provide permanent mold prevention services with a Renewable Guarantee! Contact us for a consultation today.

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