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Common Pests Found In Spring in Absecon, NJ; How to Get Rid of Termites, Ants, Rats, Fleas & More

Most people are excited for the change in the weather which is usually the first sign that the seasons are changing. Each season is known for particular things such as winter for the holidays, spring bringing flowers and new life, summer is time for vacation and fall offers coziness and shorter days. Another aspect of each of the seasons is the types of pests that come and go. The temperatures that are common in each season is what will draw out certain pests and when they might try to invade your home. You want to be fully prepared for the pests that might be in your house during springtime so that you can best treat them. Ross Environmental Solutions outlines what pests are most common during the spring.

Spring Termite Season

While termites eat away at your home all year round, spring marks the official beginning of termite season when swarmers fly away from their nest and look to establish a new colony. If you notice discarded wings around your window frames, mud tubes near the foundation or your neighbors have reported problems with termites; call a professional like Ross Environmental Solutions to stop the damage termites are inflicting upon your home!

Ants in Spring

One of the most common pests that you will find in the spring months happens to be ants. They are also the pest that seems to come out the soonest. Ants are attracted by the food that is out in abundance in the spring as well as the warmer weather before they come out of their colonies. During springtime, ants can be seen building mounds in your yard and even getting in your home to look for food as well to bring back to the colony. Spring is a time that winged carpenter ants look for a new place to start a colony. You want to make sure that you do what you can to keep ants out of your house and the best way to do that is to have your home treated for ants and other pests as well.

Spring Rain & Rats

Another pest that can become a major problem in the springtime are rodents which are problematic any time of year. Spring rains spur vegetation which provides cover and food. Rats love the nice weather just like we do, but mostly because they will start to procreate. Their offspring needs to have the right temperature outside to be able to survive. The spring is that ideal time of year and that is why rats can start to become a problem in your home. Rats want to find a place to nest and inside your home is a great place to do that. You want to be sure to keep your home sealed and keep food away from them. It is important to call a professional at the first sign of rats in and around your house.

Do Fleas Die in the Winter Months?

Like most pests, fleas that are in your home before the cold weather, certainly aren’t going to leave that warm place with an easy food source to venture outside. Once fleas are carried in on your cat or dog, they will continue to breed and infest your pets as well as hide in your carpets and fabric furnishings. Once a pet suffers a flea infestation, both the pet and home will need to be treated.

Spring Time Pest Control

Ross Environmental Solutions can come out to your premises to make sure your home and business is protected from spring pests. Call us today!

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