How to Catch & Get Rid of Smart Mice that Eat Bait Without Springing Traps in Hammonton, NJ
You definitely do not want mice inside your home. Between the health risk and the property damage they are capable of, mice are nothing more than unwelcomed guests. Because of the severity an infestation can bring, nipping it as soon as possible is optimal. Many homeowners turn to traps, and anyone who has attempted this may be scratching their heads as to why they seem ineffective. With that in mind, we at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to shed some light as to how mice frequently avoid mouse traps.
Mice Have a Heightened Sense of Smell
Mice do not come across a mouse trap and understand that the spring-loaded death contraption is a threat. Instead they are able to rely on their instincts and senses to decide what are threats. Being able to understand a mouse’s behavior and consider their mode of operations can help you get a better picture on how they can avert mouse traps. Mice have a heightened sense of smell. They learn the different scents of predators including humans. And when they catch the scent of humans, they stay clear. After handling a mouse trap, our scent is left behind so when our technicians set traps, we handle them with gloves at all times.
Dead Mouse Odors
Not only do mice pick up the scent of humans, but they easily pick up other smells to detect additional threats. Mice can pick up the scent of decomposing mice that may have been unlucky around a trap or other means. When they smell their dead, they know to stay clear from the potential danger that is there. When it comes to any traps that were successful in killing a mouse, our pest control technicians remove the used traps.
Where to Place Mouse Traps
In addition to their incredible sense of smell, mice heavily rely on flight and use their survival instincts to stay on high alert while foraging for food and nesting materials. In an effort to do so, mice will hug the walls as they scurry along to give them an edge in a rapid escape if needed. We avoid setting the traps in the middle of any large area as they will not be effective there. Rather, we place them along the edges of a wall, especially when the homeowners have seen them dart back and forth before. If you do see a mouse fly in the center of the room, it is usually out of desperation to find food or an escape.
How Many Mouse Traps Should Be Set?
Even when a mouse finds food to eat, they will never drop their guard. Because they have such a high reaction time, when a mouse trap is sprung, they can frequently avoid the snap. With their impressive ability to evade, we often employ a tactical approach placing multiple traps in a contained area. As the mice are able to get lucky once or twice, the more traps in the way the less likely they are to survive.
Mice Rodent Control
To be successful in getting rid of any mice you have in your home or business, call in the professionals of Ross Environmental Solutions and let our proven methods and quality products get the job done quickly. Not only will catch the mice in your home or business, but we will dispose of them as well so you don’t have to! Contact us to schedule an inspection and service today!