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Canine Bed Bug Inspection; Are Dogs Better than Humans at Detecting Bed Bugs in Sewell, NJ?

A bed bug infestation is just about the last thing that any homeowner wants to have happen. It can leave you feeling dirty and depressed. When you find out that you have a bed bug infestation, the first thing you want to do is get rid of it ASAP. However, these tiny bugs can be difficult to remove on your own. In fact, it can be difficult to pinpoint the problem if you aren’t sure what you are looking for. When you know you have a problem but are not sure what it is, the best thing to do is to call a pest control company that offers canine bed bug inspections. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some of the benefits that come from a canine bed bug inspection.

How You Can Benefit from a Canine Bed Bug Inspection

When you enlist the help of a dog to help you investigate a possible bed bug situation, you will find that there are several benefits that follow.
– Accuracy: There is no other way to complete a bed bug inspection that will be as accurate as a canine inspection. They can give you results that are as high as 97% accurate. This leaves little to no doubt that you do or do not have a problem with bed bugs in your house. Since bed bugs are something that nobody wants to deal with, accuracy should be at the top of the list of benefits.
– Early Detection: The earlier you can detect a bed bug infestation, the better off you will be. When you turn it over to the canines, they are able to find a bed bug infestation long before other inspection methods.
– Immediate Results: There are bed bug monitoring devices and traps that you can use to help you detect bed bug infestations, but it often takes several days to gather enough data using them. With a canine inspection, you can get results right away and can work on a treatment plan.
– Detecting Viable Eggs: When you have had your home treated for bed bugs, you need to make sure there are not any more viable eggs left behind. These are bed bug eggs that are going to hatch. When you’re working with canines, they will be able to detect these eggs so you can get your property treated for them.
– Non-Intrusive: When you have a canine bed bug inspection done, you do not have to have all of your furniture overturned and your house torn up. These specially trained dogs are able to detect a problem without moving any of your furniture.

Bed Bug Inspections & Treatment

If you suspect that you have bed bugs in your home, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to come and take a look with our highly trained canines. We will be able to detect a problem and treat it right away so that you can be free of any bed bugs. Call us today!

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