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How Can I Tell if We have Bed Bugs in Bridgeton, NJ? Seeing Just 1 Bed Bug is a Sign of an Infestation!

Do you believe you might have bed bugs? A bed bug infestation can go on for a long time before you realize they are even inside your home. Bed bugs are small and tend to hide in dark places during the day. It is not until bed bug populations explode do you ever see bed bugs in your home. If you think you have bed bugs there are a few signs of their presence you can look out for. Ross Environmental Solutions will share some of the common signs of bed bugs.

What Does a Bed Bug Infestation Smell Like?

Bed bugs will eventually give signs of their presence. One of these signs is a musty, sweet like odor. Often people will say bed bugs produce a raspberry or coriander like musty odor. It is suggested by researchers, that bed bugs produce odors as a signal to other bed bug to where they are. When you can detect sweet and musty odors in your home, you may have bed bugs.

How Do You Know if Bites are from Bed Bugs?

One of the first indicators that you may have bed bugs is bug bites. When you wake up every morning with new bug bites you may have bed bugs. Bed bugs will pierce the skin in different areas each time they feed. It is normal to have a cluster of rows of bug bites when you have bed bugs. Where their bites are harmless, they can quickly become very itchy. If you continue to itch the bite site it can break the skin and create sores.

What Color are Bed Bug Stains?

Bed bugs will leave behind two types of stains. One is like rust spots and are mostly found on the bed. The second type are fecal marks which can be near the bed bug’s hiding area and again on the bed. The rust is actually blood stains produced by the bed bug after feeding. They will also leave behind fecal marks that often appear as black and dark brown spots. When you see rusty colored spots, dark brown spots and bleach marks, this is a classic sign of bed bugs in the home.

Can You See Bed Bug Eggs?

When see tiny rice grains near the primary feeding sights, these are actually bed bug eggs. Bed bug eggs are hard to see at first, but after five days they are big enough to be seen with the naked eye. A single bed bug female can lay up to 7 eggs at a time. It only takes a bed bug from an egg to reach adulthood in seven weeks. Within two months, you can have a major infestation.

What Does it Mean when You Find Bed Bug Shells or Casings?

As bed bug mature they undergo five different stages, As they reach the end of each cycle they will molt and climb out of the shell casing or husks. When you have bed bugs you may come across their discarded husk or casings. Seeing the casing means they have been there a while and are maturing. Additionally, this also means their parents have been laying eggs around your home.

Does Seeing One Bed Bug Mean an Infestation?

Another sign of bed bugs is, of course, seeing bed bugs yourself. Bed bug siting’s often point to a major infestation. Adult bed bugs are the size, shape and similar color of an apple seed. After feeding, the abdomen will turn a reddish color and appear engorged.

Bed Bug Inspection & Treatment

In the state of New Jersey, summer is our bed bug season. If you have discovered bed bug and need professional bed bug treatments, contact Ross Environmental Solutions today.

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