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Can You Get Sick from Mice Being in Your Woodbury, NJ House? What Diseases are Spread Thru Mouse Feces?

Most people shudder at the thought of mice making their homes inside theirs. This is for good reason too. It’s no secret that mice can cause some serious damage in your home if they get in, but they also carry several diseases that can have a negative impact on your health as well. There are a few different ways that mice spread dangerous diseases and Ross Environmental Solutions here to talk about them.

Diseases Spread Through Mouse Feces & Urine

The biggest risk of disease in mice comes from their urine and feces. For many people, droppings are the first sign that point to a mouse problem in the home. It is important you are careful when handling them because the diseases you can contract can have a negative impact on your overall health. Some of the most common illnesses found in mouse droppings include:
– Hantavirus: When droppings are old, they start to turn dry and almost like dust. When you are cleaning it up, the dust can get kicked up in the air that you breathe and infect you. Some of the common symptoms of hantavirus are difficulty breathing, fever, chills, aches and pains. If you don’t treat this illness, it can lead to kidney failure.
– Salmonella: This illness is also known as food poisoning. When mice walk throughout your kitchen, they can leave traces of this behind and it could come in contact with the food you eat. Common symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and diarrhea. These can be quite severe for many people.
– Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV): This disease can cause serious neurological problems. To contract this illness, you have to come in contact with fresh droppings, urine or nesting materials.

What Parasites Live on Mice

Not only do mice carry diseases in their feces, they also often carry parasites in their fur. One parasite they often bring into your home is a tick. Ticks carry serious illnesses like Lyme’s Disease. Fleas carrying Bubonic Plague can also be brought into your home when they are living on mice.

Can Disease Be Caused By a Mouse Bite?

Most people don’t experience a bite from mice. However, mice often attempt to eat your food. When they start to eat your food, they can transmit illness like rat-bite fever through food contamination. You can also contract this illness when you come in contact with a dead rodent.

Rodent Control

If you have mice in your home, it is important you call on the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to come and take care of them. We will not only get rid of the rodents, but we will help you with exclusion methods that will help keep mice from infesting your home in the future. We know how serious some of the illnesses that mice carry can be. That’s why it is our goal to keep them out of your home. Call us today!

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