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Busting Bed Bug Myths in Mantua Township, NJ; Bed Bugs Don’t Only Bite at Night & More

Bed bugs are notorious around the world. Most know that they exist, although some limit their existence to children’s rhymes. Before WWII they were an epidemic, found nearly everywhere, but shortly after the war, a powerful chemical was engineered that nearly obliterated bed bugs. But with the ease of world travel and the tolerance that bed bugs have built up a resistance to once proven methods; bed bugs have become a common a problem once again. At Ross Environmental Solutions, we offer thorough inspections if you suspect bed bugs and proven effective techniques to efficiently remove bed bugs from your home. Today, we would like take the opportunity to dispel a handful of common myths concerning bed bugs.

Common Myths About Bed Bugs

Myth: Bed bugs will only bite at night while you are sleeping.
Generally, bed bugs are nocturnal and will typically feed at night. However, if they are deprived of food for any length of time, they will eat at any time. If you have bed bugs, keeping the light on during the night will not hinder their meal time.
Myth: Bed bugs only live on your mattress.
More often than not, when their numbers are small, bed bugs will stick to around the bed, not just the mattress, and the box spring and frame as well. However, as their numbers increase, they spread out in the room and if the infestation goes unchecked, they will even hide in alternative rooms. Bed bugs have been found in picture frames, alarm clocks, computer keyboards, outlets, behind light switch plates, behind flaps of wallpaper and baseboards.
Myth: Bed bugs can live a year without a host.
Research suggests that to bed bugs living in consistently normal room temperature, can only survive 2-3 month without food, but there is much scientific debate regarding the matter. The bedbug’s metabolism will slow down in chillier climates, being cold-blooded, increasing their odds of surviving a year without eating.
Myth: Bed bugs have harmful effects and cause health problems.
Though bed bugs do not transmit any known diseases, their bites can potentially lead to secondary infections from scratching and some can experience anxiety caused from sleepless nights from the discomfort of knowing they have bed bugs. In addition, similar to cockroaches, bed bugs can exacerbate allergies.
Myth: Bed bugs will only infest filthy homes.
Bed bugs do not discriminate to their environment, as long as they are close to a food source, preferring people, but will feed on warm-blooded animals. They can live in the most immaculate of homes into the dirtiest of slums. The more clutter means the more places to hide however.
Myth: Bed bugs can fly.
It is impossible for a bed bug to fly as they do not possess any wings. Bed bugs do crawl exceptionally quickly though, approximately three feet per minute.
Myth: Bed bugs reproduce fast.
In comparison to other insect life, their reproduction is slower. A female bed bug only produces 1 egg per day on average where a common house fly, for example, will lay up to 500 eggs within 3-4 days.
Myth: Bed bugs are only spread via people’s bodies.
Unlike ticks, fleas, and lice, bed bugs do not latch on the body and hide under the hair and stick to the skin. Bed bugs avoid warm areas, and are less likely to be in your clothes. Typically, you bring bed bugs in your home via backpacks, luggage, shoes and other items.
Myth: DDT spray should be used for bed bug removal.
Most bed bugs have built a resistance to it and the controversial pesticide DDT had already lost much of its potency since being banned in 1972.
Myth: You can take care of a bed bug problem with department store bed bug spray.
Bed bugs cannot be killed by department pesticides and chemical agents are no longer effective methods of treatment due to their resistance to poisons. Heat and fumigation treatments are the most effective methods to exterminate bed bugs.

Bed Bug Inspections & Treatment

If you know you have or suspect bed bugs, call in the experts of Ross Environmental Solutions and let our specialists perform a thorough inspection and begin the exterminating process if bed bugs are found. Call us today!

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