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What is the Best Way to Prevent Subterranean & Drywood Termite Infestations in Deptford, NJ?

This is the time of year that you are going to see termites start to look for a place to build their nests and feast on new wood. Termites have emerged from a cold winter and are sure to be sending swarmers out to find a new place to build up their colonies. Termite infestation is one of the biggest fears that homeowners have when it comes to pests. This is for good reason too. When termites infest your home and go undetected, it can end up costing thousands of dollars in property damage. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you avoid a termite infestation in your home.

How Do You Keep Subterranean Termites Away?

Subterranean termites are one of the most common termite species found in New Jersey and throughout the United States. There are several things that you can do to keep these termites away from your home.
– Remove Entry Points: These termites are going to look for weaknesses in your home to start building up their colonies. If you have any cracks or gaps around the outside of your home, make sure you’re sealing them up to get rid of the potential problem. Also, you should not allow any wood on your home, like a deck, come in contact with the ground as this gives them easy access to your home as well.
– Eliminate Termite Food: Subterranean termites feel off of cellulose. It is important that you keep any cellulose materials at least six inches away from your foundation. This includes mulch, firewood and other wood products. You should also keep wood siding 6 inches off the ground.
– Remove Excess Water: Don’t allow water to pool around your home. You need to make sure your gutter system is working well. If you notice any moisture problems in your basement or crawlspace, make sure you address them to get rid of any access moisture. Same goes for any plumbing leaks that you may be experiencing.

What are Drywood Termites Attracted To?

You should also be aware of drywood termites in and around your home. They often enter into your home through small cracks found around the exterior of your home. Many homeowners find that a fresh coat of paint will get rid of these cracks and give their home the protection they are looking for. If you have any wooden stumps, dead trees, firewood or other wood products on your property, it is wise to get rid of it to avoid attracting drywood termites to your home.

Termite Inspection & Treatment

Of course, the best way to ensure you don’t have a termite problem on your property is to work with the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to closely monitor the situation. We will ensure there is no termite activity in or around your home so that your house is safe from damage caused by termites. We know how destructive they can be. Call us today!

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