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What Attracts Ants into Your Atlantic City, NJ House & What is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Ant Infestations?

Ants are a common pest that many homeowners see around their homes. Most homeowners don’t realize they may be attracting ants to their homes without even meaning to. Without knowing what is attracting ants, this pest will continue to be a problem for you. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some of the ways that you may be unknowingly attracting ants to your home.

Ants Eat the Food You Eat

Ants are going to be attracted to any foods that are left out in your home. They are even attracted to the small crumbs left on the kitchen floor or in the pantry. Ants aren’t picky eaters and are looking for many of the same foods that you eat. This is one of the reasons you usually find ants in your kitchen rather than other areas of your home. Keeping food put away and stored properly is one of the easiest fixes. Not allowing food to sit in your kitchen without putting it away will go a long way in preventing ant infestations.

Are Ants Attracted to Garbage?

If you are like most people, you don’t remember the last time you cleaned out your garbage bins. Unfortunately, your garbage bins can get pretty dirty when you think about the things you throw into them. Often, sticky and greasy foods are thrown into the trash and leave some sort of grime on the lid, walls and even the bottom of the trash can if there is a hole in your trash liner. You can avoid this by rinsing any sticky or greasy food before putting them in your trash can to help limit the amount of residue that ends up on your bin. You should also be removing trash from your home often to avoid ants and other pests.

Can a Water Leak Cause Ants?

Not only are ants looking for food when they make their way into your home, they are also looking for water as well. If you have any pipes in your home that are leaking or causing any standing water anywhere, it is attracting ants just as much as food that is left out in your kitchen. Fixing any leaking pipes will not only help you avoid damage to your home, but it will also help you avoid ants in your home as well.

Are Ants Attracted to Rotting Wood?

Any wood on your property or in your home that has water damage will be attractive to carpenter ants. They often build their nests in wood that has been damaged by water because it is easy to hollow out. Removing any damaged wood from your property helps you avoid these destructive pests.

Ant Control

If you have an ant problem that you are having a hard time getting rid of, you can call on the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them once and for all. Call us today!

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