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Ant Identification Chart of Common Ants in Burlington, NJ; Acrobat, Argentine, Carpenter & More

Generally, ants are nothing more than a nuisance, despite little painful stings or bites they will actively engage when they feel threatened. However, there a few species that can cause extreme damage or even carry dangerous bacteria and pathogens and are capable of spreading disease. With the many different types roaming the world, we at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to share the common ants of New Jersey.

Types of Ants Found in New Jersey

Acrobat Ant. With a darker heart-shaped abdomen, these ants vary from a yellowish-brown to black color and average between 1/8 to ¼ inch long. Acrobat ants are so named due to their unusual behavior of bending their abdomen up over their body as if performing a balancing act when they are disturbed. Their diet includes sweets and proteins and they favor aphid honeydew. Typically, acrobat ants nest in damp and rotting wood in trees, fences, decks and railings, frequently taking over abandoned cavities other insects carved. These ants are aggressive and territorial and will deliver quick bites to intruders.
Argentine Ant. Argentine ants are among the rarer ant species found in New Jersey, but are worth mentioning as they have been steadily spreading Northern from Southern States. These ants are tiny, only averaging 1/10 inch long and range from light to dark brown in color. Argentine ants are highly invasive and live in massive colonies, allowing them to commandeer other ant species nests. Their diet includes meat, eggs, oils and fats but they prefer sweets, particularly aphid honeydew. Argentine ants nest near the ground’s surface in loose soil, mulch, leaf litter and gravel, generally close to foundations.
Carpenter Ant. Carpenter ants are among the largest ants in the United States, ranging from 1/4 to 3/4-inch-long. They are typically black ants that are rightfully named as they excavate tunnels in for the nests. They can cause extensive and costly damage as they weaken wood used to support structures.
Citronella Ant. Citronella ants averaging 3/8-inch-long and range from yellow to red-brown in color. Named for the citronella-like odor they emit in defense and when crushed, citronella ants generally live underground and feed primarily on the honeydew of root-feeding aphids.
Odorous House Ant. Odorous house ants are commonly referenced to as sweet ants and are a dark brown color and measure 1/8-1/16” in length. They are so named because when they are crushed, a rotten-coconut smell emits as well as releasing the odor for their defense. They are driven for sweet foods and beverages. These ants will nest under flooring and carpet, inside walls, especially near hot water pipes and outside they do best in soil, often under objects such as loose bark, mulch, logs, and rocks.
Pavement Ant. With pale brown legs and antennae, pavement ants range from brown to black in color and average about 1/8-inch long. As their name suggests, they nest under shallow soil beneath over sidewalks and patios.
Pharaoh Ant. Pharaoh ants are a minuscule 1/16-inch-long and are a translucent golden yellow to red in color, which makes them unnoticeable. These ants are attracted to sweet foods and liquids. They are fairly sensitive to cold so unless they have a tropical climate, they will live indoors, especially here in New Jersey.

Ant Control

No matter which type of ants are invading your home or business, call Ross Environmental Solutions. We will perform a thorough inspection, identify the specific species of ants present and present a custom plan of action to solve your ant problem! Call us for all your pest control needs.

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