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10 Interesting Facts About Mice Infestations in Sewell, NJ; How Many Pathogens Can a Mouse Carry & More

The house mouse is said to be the most common mammal in the United States, so it’s no surprise that many homeowners deal with infestations at one time or another. With mice being so common, you may think you already know all there is to know about this household pest, but think again. Ross Environmental Solutions outlines some facts you likely didn’t know!

Facts About the Common House Mouse

1. If you have a mouse infestation you can be assured that you are not the only one. Each winter, mice and other rodents make their way into homes, an estimated 21 million homes in the United States. Mice will make their way inside between October and February, looking for food, water and shelter from the cold.
2. Despite having tiny bodies (and even smaller stomachs), mice will eat between 15 and 20 times a day. Because they like to eat so often, they prefer to build their homes near food sources.
3. Mice are excellent little gymnasts. Mice are good jumpers, climbers, and swimmers. Mice are known to jump as high as a foot in the air, allowing them to easily climb up on kitchen countertops or climb around in pantries to access food. All pantry items need to be stored in hard, plastic containers with a tight fitting lid.
4. Mice are known to be little Houdinis. They can squeeze into spaces the size of a dime. This means any crack or opening on the outside of your home (like where utility pipes enter) is like an open door for these critters. All openings should be sealed with a silicone caulk. You should also fill gaps and holes inside your home with steel wool.
5. Mice do not have long lifespans. In the wild, they usually only live for about five months. This is due to predators such as cats, snakes, and foxes. In a lab setting, they can live up to two months.
6. Mice are known to spread disease like Hantavirus and Salmonella, but that’s just the beginning. Mice are actually able to carry as many as 200 human pathogens!
7. You probably already know that mice are not potty-trained. Mice actually produce between 40 and 100 droppings a day! With these droppings, mice consistently give off micro-droplets of urine as they scurry around. One good thing about mice is that they do not vomit.
8. Mice reproduce at alarming rates. A female mouse can give birth when they are as young as two months old and are able to have up to a dozen babies every three weeks. This means that she could have as many as 150 offspring in one year! Seeing one mouse in your home means there are others and maybe many more.
9. Mice are intelligent creatures with complex levels of communication, which is both vocal, often times beyond the auditory range of humans, and odorous. They also have facial expressions that they use to communicate with others.
10. Despite the fact that mice create messes for us, they are incredibly clean, tidy, and organized. Inside their intricate underground homes, they have specific areas for storing food, going to the bathroom, and for shelter.

Rodent Control

As interesting as mice can be, we do not want them inside out homes. If you are experiencing problems with mice, call Ross Environmental Solutions to assess your problem and come up with a custom treatment plan.

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