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Why Don’t Cockroaches Die as Easily as Some Other Pests in Gloucester County, NJ?

If you are dealing with cockroaches this summer you may not realize it but they are a hardy pest indeed. They are one of the hardest pests to deal with unless you know what you are doing and you have the right techniques to exterminate that particular species. Cockroaches are a pest that people associate with messes and dirt. The problem is that they need just a small amount of food or water to invade and shelter in your home. Roaches carry and transmit dirt, feces, bacteria and disease wherever they go. They are a very unsanitary pest that walk around their own feces and urine as well as garbage that sticks to their feet. They then transfer these contaminants to areas inside your home such as your counters and food preparation areas. That is why it is so important to treat for cockroaches as soon as you even suspect you have a problem. They are a sneaky pest that tend to hide out of sight which is one reason they are so difficult to get rid of. Unfortunately there are other reasons cockroaches are such a worthy opponent in the battle to achieve a pest free home.

Ross Environmental Solutions Outlines Several Reasons Why Cockroach Infestations Are Hard to Get Rid Of

Cockroaches Reproduce Quickly: One of the problems you will find if you spot even just one cockroach scurrying around your home is that they tend to breed fast. If you see a cockroach and it is a female she is likely to have about 100 eggs with her. Those baby cockroaches are going to hatch and live in your home! That means that your one lone cockroach can turn into a large infestation in no time at all. Just because you see one cockroach definitely does not mean it is the only one. There are most likely many more hiding in the dark crevices of your residence.
Cockroaches Are Hard to Smash & Squish: Cockroaches are fast runners. In fact, they can run nearly 31 ½ inches per second! And they are elusive to, seeming to change direction on a dime! Research has found that roaches can compress their already small bodies between 40 and 60 percent or their original size which means they can fit into some very narrow cracks and crevices. Even if you do make contact and think you have smooshed them, there hard exoskeleton isn’t damaged at all and they often just stand up and scuttle away again. The same researchers that discovered the cockroach compression rate also found that a cockroach exoskeleton allows them to withstand weights of up to 300 times their own body weight in small crevices and an amazing 900 times their body weight in other situations. It’s no wonder whacking at them with a shoe or stepping on them quickly doesn’t do the trick!
A Cockroach Can Live Under Water for 30 Minutes: Have you ever stepped on a cockroach and then tried to flush it down the toilet to ensure its demise? Or have you ever been out in your yard and noticed a cockroach coming towards you and run for the hose to try to drown it? Taking a large amount of water and flooding the area seems like a sure fire way to get rid of cockroaches but that just won’t work. It may surprise you to know that a cockroach is able to withstand being completely submerged in water for up to 30 minutes. Roaches are also great swimmers and can often get themselves to the edge of the water and out of danger.
A Cockroach Can Live Without its Head for a Week: There has been some scientific discoveries in regards to cockroaches and their impressive survival skills. One study involved a scientist cutting the head off a cockroach to see what would happen. The cockroach was able to survive the initial removal and continue to move around with a purpose for a week! The cockroach only died after it was starved or dehydrated because it was no longer able to eat!

Cockroach Extermination

Ross Environmental Solutions offers expert cockroach control to rid your home of unwanted cockroaches and other pests. We can determine what species have infested your residence and formulate a custom plan of action to exterminate them. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!

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