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Types of Cockroach Infestations Found in Cherry Hill, NJ; American, German & Oriental Roaches

Cockroaches are the one pest that seems to aggravate homes and commercial buildings all year long. They are not just considered a major nuisance, but even a threat to humans as they harbor deadly diseases and viruses. As such, they contaminate every place and everything they come in contact with. There are three major species that are constantly found invading human domains in our State of New Jersey. These are: the American, German and Oriental Cockroach. Ross Environmental Solutions will briefly share a little bit about these invading species and how you can protect your home or business from cockroach infestations.

Flying American Cockroaches

The American cockroach, or sometimes also referred to as the Palmetto bug, is one of the largest species of cockroach that is found in America. It also has the nasty habit of flying into open doors and into light sources. The American cockroach is a light golden bronze color and has a long pair of wings. Even though the American cockroach can get almost 2 inches long, they can squeeze through the smallest crack and invade your home.

German Cockroach Infestation

The German cockroach is a reddish brown color with two dark stripes going down its head from their eyes. They are an average sized cockroach that is under an inch in size. When a German cockroach infestation occurs, you can smell a nasty musty like odor that they release when frightened. Like other pests, the German cockroach will invade a home in search for food, water, and shelter. They are often found in kitchens and bathrooms.

Oriental Cockroach Facts

The Oriental cockroach most often invades during the fall to escape the cold of the upcoming winter. They are often confused with the water bug since they like damp areas such as drainage pipes and sewers. They will often climb into a home through the plumbing systems. They will feed on decaying paper and wood as they wait out winter. The oriental cockroach is solid black. They are an almost greasy looking insect and are wingless, other than the males that have tiny wings that only cover half of their body.

Cockroach Prevention

Controlling cockroaches starts outside by maintaining a clean and orderly yard. By denying cockroaches the shelter they need, food and water, this often helps reduce encounters. However many cockroaches such as the American cockroach are drawn by light. Keep unneeded light sources turned off. This will help keep them away as well. However, some cockroaches just can be deterred. This is why it is important to make sure your home is sealed off from pests, including cockroaches. Make sure the windows, doors, chimneys, attic and dryer vents are properly sealed or covered, but still provide ventilation to those needed areas. Additionally, keep all food inside the home sealed and the plumbing properly maintained. Repair leaks that occur outside and inside the home.

Cockroach Extermination

Lastly, you can win the battle against cockroaches by using a professional pest control company to control any wandering pest including cockroaches. This will help keep your home and business free of cockroaches and other pests. If you need help keeping pests out and away from your home or business, then seek help from Ross Environmental Solutions. We provide a quality pest control program to help fight against and keep pests out. If you need help managing pest problem, contact Ross Environmental Solutions today!

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