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How to Scare Away & Get Rid of Opossums in Your Basement, Garage, Attic & House in Cherry Hill, NJ

Here in the state of New Jersey there are a number of invading wildlife creatures that are frequently found in our homes. We have mice, rats, bats, squirrels, raccoons, skunks and opossums AKA possums. Today Ross Environmental Solutions will discuss the ever growing threat of possum invasion and how you can better prevent their intrusion.

Opossum Identification; What Do Possums Look Like?

Possums are known for their long, rat-like tail and their great acting abilities when they feel threatened. They will play dead in hopes a predator will leave them alone. Possums are about two feet long and are the only marsupial in North America. They are also nocturnal and are omnivorous. Possums are considered a nuisance because they like to crawl into attic spaces to have their young and for shelter, or they will live underneath porches and decks. The have a nasty habit of running through garbage cans, causing messes and they will eat your pet’s food. Additionally they leave large amounts of feces around homes or in attic spaces. Possums are also known to carry parasites and some diseases. They are also quite smelly. Possums aren’t aggressive by nature however they will protect themselves if cornered.

How to Prevent Opossums in Your House & Yard

There are a number of ways to prevent possums from invading your home. Below is a list of tips to help you get rid of a possum problem around your home.
1. Regularly inspect the prone areas for possum activity and look for possible entry points and work to seal them off. You can seal large open ventilation areas with metal wire meshing to prevent them from chewing their way through.
2. You should also maintain a clean and clutter free yard. Keep bushes and shrubs trimmed, especially at the bottom and remove yard debris. This will help to prevent shelter or cover for possums to use.
3. Don’t leave pet food out that they can feed on and have trash cans sealed where they can’t crawl into them and find food.
4. Dogs can help to ward possums away from your yard. However you will want a larger and more aggressive species of dog. Smaller dogs can lose in a fight with a possum as well as raccoons, and skunks. Where New Jersey homes are known to have all three of these larger wildlife invaders, protect your small dogs and avoid using dogs as a deterrent for possums.

Opossum & Other Nuisance Wildlife Control

If you’re still having a possum problem after you have followed all of these tips on how you can prevent them, contact a pest control company. Ross Environmental Solutions can help with nuisance wildlife control as well as general pest management and other specialty services. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions to be pest free today.

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