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Pests Attracted to Your Dog & Cat Pets in Marlton, NJ; Ticks, Fleas, Flies, Cockoaches, Rodents, Birds, Wildlife & More

There are a number of pests that intrude into our property, both inside and outside. Having an infestation of any kind is intolerable and an annoyance most would just prefer to avoid. Many pests, from insects and arachnids to rodents, birds and wildlife, are often drawn to homes because of a specific cause. Some pests are present out of happenstance, but there are quite a few that are there because something drew them in. With that in mind, we at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to expound on the pests that are attracted to your pets in Southern New Jersey.

Dogs & Cats Attract Pests Such as Ticks, Fleas, Flies & More

1) Ticks. Ticks are notorious for inflicting our pets; especially our dogs. They select a host to consume the blood for subsistence. Pets and people can be victimized by ticks. Ticks actually belong in the arachnid family because by adulthood they feature eight legs along with other characteristics shared among arachnids. The Blacklegged AKA Deer tick, Lone Star, and American Dog Tick are the most common ticks found in Southern New Jersey. Ticks have been linked to transmitting serious diseases and viruses including Lyme disease as well as causing paralysis. Ticks are small and often go unnoticed, reproducing quickly and infesting homes and yards looking to feed.
2) Fleas. New Jersey has its fair share of flea problems. Fleas cause chronic itching and skin irritation in your pet and you. Fleas can spread parasites and other ailments along with displeasure from the initial bites. Fleas reproduce at a rapid rate, multiplying excessively and quickly infesting your home.
3) Other Common Pests. Flies, for starters are only attracted to your pet’s feces but unfortunately, biting flies can leave itchy welts on your pets. Considering what they find favorable, they can potentially leave these welts infected. Cockroaches, ants, rodents, birds, and other wildlife will come in droves after catching the scent of your pet’s food that is kept out on regular basis. These pests often carry gems, bacteria, viruses, and diseases and will spread them through contact with surfaces as well as in their bodily fluids and fecal matter.
4) Stinging Insects. For extra precautions concerning your pets, consider the bees, hornets, and wasps. Though they are not attracted to your pets, they pose a risk to them as your pets can be in harm’s way of hives and nests present on your property. Pets happily prancing around the yard don’t necessarily take heed on the warning buzzing sounds, and most of these stinging pests will aggressively sting perceived threats; your pets included.

Professional Pest Control

If you notice a surge in any of the above pests, be sure to get medical treatment if necessary for you and your pet. Get preventative care with ticks and flea collars and other similar products. Contain your pet’s food supply in securely sealed containers and withdraw their food bowls when they are finished eating. Perform regular maintenance and discard poop appropriately. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions today and let our trained experts assist you on your pest control needs; especially those that are attracted to your beloved fur babies!

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