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How to Tell the Difference Between Flying Ants & Winged Reproductive Swarmer Termites in Your Bridgeton, NJ House & Yard

Everyone loves the spring time season with the warmer weather and longer days. The spring brings out the weather that makes people want to spend more time outdoors. There are more barbecues, baseball games and other fun activities. However, we are not the only ones that really enjoy this spring season. There are many pests that start to emerge with this same warm weather. The pests that come out in the spring are normally an issue through the summer as well. One scary pest in particular to find around your home are termites! Not because they look particularly frightening but because of how destructive they are. Termites are a huge issue for homeowners due to the fact that they cause a major amount of damage. The damage is in the structure of the home and when it is damaged, the home can become very costly to repair. Termites emerge in the early part of the spring. Reproductive swarmers called alates can be seen swarming around outside looking for a place to start their new colony. Once they find a suitable place, they set up shop and eat through the wood day and night. When most people see a swarm of flying winged insects they call for a termite inspection. This is always a great idea, but the swarm you are seeing could actually be flying ants such as carpenter ants which call for a different treatment. So how do you tell the difference?

Ross Environmental Solutions Explains the Differences Between Flying Ants & Alates (Termite Swarmers)

How Do Termites Look Different from Flying Ants?: If you are concerned about a swarm in your area but you aren’t sure if they are termites or flying ants, you can check for some characteristics. First, a termite has a full shaped body that is broad. They also have a set of wings on each side that are equal in length. They have clear wings and their body is normally black or brown in color. If you see a flying ant you will see a pinched body that will show up as segments. The body can also be black and brown but could have red as well. They also have wings but they are a shade of grey and the wings on each side are not the same size or shape. If you can get a close enough look you could potentially find out what insect you are dealing with.
How is the Behavior of Alates Different from Flying Ants?: When you are dealing with termites you are going to see a lot less action once the swarm lands. Termites will start to look for an opening to an area that has exposed wood. That is what they feed on and the raw wood is found in the walls of your home. That means that while they work, you most likely will not see them. The flying ants are looking for a much different meal. They eat foods like seeds, snacks and even other pests. That means you will start to see them lining up looking for some food in or around your home.

Termite Inspections & Treatment

If you are concerned about either of these pests be sure to call a professional pest control company. A pest inspection can determine exactly what pest is invading your home and dictate the best way to treat it. Ross Environmental Solutions offers thorough pest and termite inspections. Depending on what pests are present and the extent of the infestation, we develop a customized pest control program to keep pests to a minimum!

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