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How to Get Rid of Wasp Nests Without Getting Stung by Wasps in Hammonton, NJ

When you go outside and hear the buzzing sound of one of those most iconic summer pests … you most likely run back in. The spring and summer is a great time of year for people to get out and enjoy the warmer weather. These seasons lend themselves perfectly to pool parties, barbecues, hikes and much more. The warm temperatures seem to draw people outdoors after a long and cold winter. The same is true for bees, wasps and hornets! These stinging insects love the warm weather and tend to get busy right away. The change in the temperature is all they need to get a swarm or colony started and begin to build their nests and hives. The problem is that wasps often start to build their nests on our home or property. If you have a wasp nest that is encroaching into your personal space you will most likely want to have it removed.

Ross Environmental Solutions List Several Methods to Avoid When Removing a Wasp Nest

Never Spray a Wasp Nest with Water: The fact that a wasp nest is close to your home can be unnerving. Your first thought might be to grab what you can to get rid of the nest hoping that the wasps will just leave. In the summer months one thing that is close by to take care of plants or use for the kids enjoyment is the hose. The water that is sprayed from the hose is sometimes used to try and spray the nest down. The nest seems soft and papery and it’s easy to see why someone would think water would destroy it easily. You may also reason that you can also stay away from the nest and spray from a distance to keep yourself away from the stinging wasps. The problem is that you are destroying the home of a swarm of wasps and now they have nowhere to go. They will often attack in defense of their home and could potentially sting anyone in a wide area; including yourself. These wasps can also just start to nest in the same area which means you have only angered them and not actually removed them at all.
Don’t Use a Stick to Knock Down a Wasp Nest: If you happen upon a nest that is close to your home and it seems to be quiet with little action of wasps flying around; you may decide that you can just knock it down. A broom, mop, racket or golf club are often used to grab quickly and swat at the nest. These seem to be something that is found close by and long enough to hit the nest and hopefully knock it down. The biggest problem with this is the nest could be full of wasps that are quiet. When the nest is knocked down the wasps can start to come out and sting anyone in the vicinity.
Never Set a Wasp Nest on Fire: Sometimes people will actually attempt to use fire to try and destroy a wasp nest. Nests are often papery because wasps use fibers from plants to build them. Using fire to try and burn the nest hoping that it will only burn the nest is not likely. The nest can burn fast and spread to your home and property. It can easily get out of hand and cause serious damage to your home.

Professional Wasp Extermination

Ross Environmental Solutions offers expert wasp nest removal. Our experienced technicians know the best time of day, effective products and safe methods to use to get rid of aggressive stinging wasps and their nests. Contact us for all your pest control needs!

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