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How to Get Rid of Flying Insects with Stingers & Other Summer Pests in Deptford, NJ

Many people have noticed the summer drawing in a lot of pest activity. Bees, wasps, ants, flies, cockroaches and other pests seem to be prone to the summer and homeowners are seeing more intruding into their homes. Today, we at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to discuss why pests damper our summers.

Why Are There More Bugs & Pests in Summer?

1) Pest Life Cycles. Typically, most pests are cold-blooded, and are highly impacted by the weather, which affects the different stages in their life cycles. The summer months often promote increased activity. Ant colonies, for example, will ensure their survival for the approaching winter months by increasing their population size.
2) Increase in Daylight. More hours during the day and fewer evening hours during the summer gives the daylight crawlers more opportunity to feed. Because of the increased opportunity for hunting and scavenging, more pests are noticed. These annoying pests are more than a nuisance, as many of them sting and bite, increasing the health risks they pose.
3) Warm Temperature. Many common pests are affected by temperatures and their behavior and development is impacted. Just as people have their limit with heat, many pests do as well and once their tolerance is met, they will seek shelter, frequently inside air conditioned homes and business or other structures that can offer relief.
4) More Moisture. As all living things require water, there are quite a few pests who need excess moisture as well. Summer showers bring excess moisture, and humidity often peeks in the summer time, giving the pests a water source and favorable conditions. Pests will frequently move inside looking for water in times of drought.
5) Food Source Banquet. Summer encourages vegetation growth, as many people notice when they head out to cut the grass, trimming hedges and trees. The left-over debris makes a banquet of food for the pests to munch on. Once the food source is consumed, they will look to move on, likely inside your home.

Summer Pest Prevention Tips

– Make certain the trash cans all have tight-fitting and secure lids and the outdoor cans are stored away from the house. Wash your trash cans every few weeks with hot soapy water. This is especially important during the summer months because the odors attract pests with the intense heat.
– Check the house exterior for cracks and crevices in the walls, floors and pavement. If any are found, seal with weather-resistant sealant. Any exposed pipe or conduit penetrations should be sealed with caulking. If any ventilation openings are accessible, install mesh coverings and use weather stripping around windows and doors that need it.
– Periodically clear out any debris from in the gutters and repair any water leaks to minimize standing water.
– Don’t let the vegetation encroach against your home, ensure grass is trimmed, and trees and bushes are cut back. To help prevent harborage and hidden entry points, try to create a vegetation-free and clutter free clearance of at least two feet from your home.

Year Round Pest Management

If any pests are found infesting your home, call in the experts of Ross Environmental Solutions today and let our experts remove any threats. Invest in professional pest management control and let our specialists maintain the barrier to prevent pests from wandering inside your residence or business.

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