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Fall Pest Control Tips in Absecon NJ; How to Keep Insects that Come Out in Cool Weather Away

Urban New Jersey is constantly under siege by pests. Even as the temperatures begin to cool, and many pests will go into hibernation; there are still a few pests that just don’t seem to rest. Some of the common fall pests are stink bugs, spiders, Boxelder bugs, cluster flies, and of course, those ever annoying rodents. Ross Environmental Solutions wants to help make homeowners aware of these pests and let you know how you can control them this fall.

Insects & Pests that Come Out in the Fall

Stink Bugs – Stink bugs become a problem during the fall because they are what are known as overwintering pests. Stink bugs will invade homes during the fall to hide out during the winter cold. They will go dormant when winter hits. However, most likely they are somewhere hiding inside your home. If you keep your home warm enough they many never actually go dormant and you will see them crawling around your home. Avoid squishing a stink bug as they release an awful odor. Instead use a broom and tray to remove them or vacuum them up. Stink bugs are brown with a distinct shield shaped body.
Boxelder Bugs – Boxelder bugs are another overwintering pest that is desperate to enter into our home and hide out the winter. They can gather in large groups when they over winter and will feed on indoor house plants until they go dormant in the winter. Not only will they eat your precious house plants, but they will leave their droppings everywhere that can stain surfaces. Boxelder bugs have a tear drop shaped body that is black with red or orange outlines. If you come across these bug inside your home, it is recommended to use a vacuum to remove them.
Spiders – There are a number of species of spiders that will enter into our homes during the fall season, and mostly the common house spider. Where most spiders are harmless, they somehow just give up the creepy crawly feeling and you still don’t want them inside your home. Not to mention some other fall spiders like black widows and brown recluses can be harmful to us if they invade our home during the fall. It is wise to prevent all spiders from entering into your home. You will want a pest control company to come and spray insecticide around your home to help keep spiders out.
Cluster Flies – Cluster flies are a large fly species that will invade homes during the fall to escape the cold. They can remain active all year long if kept warm. To help keep cluster flies out of your home, make sure all window screens are in good condition or replace them. Also check your external entry doorways and make sure they have good weather stripping to help keep flies out.
Rodents – It is no mystery that rodent activity gets higher during the fall season as they are looking to escape the cold. They will invade homes to stay warm and for a reliable food source. Now is the time to prepare to prevent a rodent invasion.

Fall & Year Round Pest Control

If you need help keeping these fall pests out of your home, contact Ross Environmental Solutions. We can help make those nasty pests disappear. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions to begin your pest control services today!

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