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Do You Have a Cockroach Allergy? Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention & Treatment in Gloucester County, NJ

Allergy sufferers everywhere will tell you, it is miserable. The constant symptoms that bombard so many aren’t just a result of outdoor allergens. Cockroaches can actually be the cause of these symptoms as well. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent them and treat them when you are experiencing the miserable onslaught of cockroach allergies. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some treatment tips as well as prevention tips to help you avoid this problem.

Cockroach Allergens

While some people are allergic to the blossoming trees outside this time of the year, so many are suffering because of a cockroach infestation. Cockroaches have a protein that is often the cause for allergy sufferers. This protein can be found in cockroach body parts, saliva and waste. This is why it is so important to avoid a cockroach infestation in the first place.

How to Avoid Cockroach Allergies

Keeping cockroaches out of your home is the best way you can arm yourself against any allergies that are caused by this obnoxious insect. Here are some steps that can be taken to ensure you don’t have a cockroach infestation.
• Store Food Properly- Keep your food in airtight containers and don’t leave any food out overnight. This will help eliminate the food source for cockroaches.
• Clean Your Kitchen Often- Even the smallest crumbs and messes will attract cockroaches. You need to wipe down the surfaces that make up your kitchen often to avoid cockroach infestation.
• Sweep & Vacuum Regularly- If there are any allergens that have been trapped in your carpet, vacuuming with a vacuum that is equipped with a HEPA filter can help reduce your symptoms.
• Seal Entry Points- If there are any cracks around your doors and windows, fill them in as soon as possible They can gain access to your home through even the smallest openings.

Helpful Allergy Treatment Options at Home

There are many over the counter medications that can help to reduce the misery that comes with allergies. Here are some of the symptom reducers.
• Antihistamines- This medication works to reduce the amount of congestion you have.
• Nasal Corticosteroids- When the swelling is reduced in the nose, you will find that you can breathe much easier.
• Decongestants- Get rid of nasal congestion when you choose this medication. It comes in many forms including: pill, liquid and spray.

Getting a Cockroach Allergy Diagnosis

Sometimes it can be difficult to get a diagnosis for a cockroach allergy. A skin prick test or a specific blood test can be run to give you the right diagnosis so you can move forward with the right treatment options.

Cockroach Control

If you find that you are allergic to cockroaches and have a cockroach problem in your home, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of them for you. We have the training and experience needed to successfully eradicate any cockroach problem you may have. Call us today for more information about our services.

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