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What Causes Termites to Invade Your Mount Holly, NJ Home? What Are Termite Pests Attracted to?

Termites are the most destructive pest a homeowner can cross paths with. These destructive pests are often causing damage to your home undetected for varying lengths of time. They are easily concealed within your walls, and you may not realize it until there are tens of thousands of dollars in damage. You may be wondering if there are certain factors that attract termites to one home over another. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some things you may be doing unknowingly that is attracting pests to your home.

Do You Store Firewood & Woodpiles Outside Under Deck or Stacked Near House?

The last thing you want to do in the winter is traipse through the yard to gather firewood for a fire. As tempting as it may be to keep your firewood just outside the door, this is one way to attract termites. This wood is an obvious attractant to termites and gives them fairly easy access to the easiest entrance into your home. Keeping your firewood off the ground and at least 20 feet from your home will ensure termites aren’t about to enter your home at any moment.

Clogged Gutters & Downspouts Cause Moisture at Foundation

Termites are often attracted to moisture, and clogged gutters and downspouts are full of it. Without proper drainage, your home is at risk of water damage, which will attract certain termite species to your home. Keeping water from pooling at your foundation will help keep termites away from your home.

Mulch Too Close to House Attracts Termites

While mulch can enhance beauty in the flowerbeds and landscaping in your yard, it also serve as a food source for termites. Mulch also retains moisture which is another attractant for termites. Using mulch is fine as long as it is at least 15 inches away from the foundation of your home. Keep a close eye on any areas where you put mulch in your yard for signs of termite activity.

Tree Branches Touching Your Home Provide Pathway for Pests

An important part of termite control is to seal off any entry points. When you have trees that are close enough to your home that they are touching the walls or roof, you are literally giving termites a pathway to your home. When your trees are overgrown, they also block sunlight. This doesn’t allow water to evaporate after wet conditions and encourages moist conditions.

Clean Your Yard & Keep Clutter Free

When there is wood clutter in your yard, you are more likely to have termite problems. You should also remove any tree stumps from trees that have been removed previously. Removing as much wood product from your yard as you can will go a long way in avoiding termite problems.

Termite Inspection & Control

If there are any signs that you may have a termite infestation on your property, you will need the help of the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to inspect and get rid of any termite problems. Routine termite inspections are one of the best ways to avoid termites or catch an infestation before it becomes a large, costly problem. Call us today!

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