What Things Attract Bugs to My House & How Can I Protect My Home from Pests in Hammonton, NJ?
Believe it or not, there are several things that you probably have in and around your home that attract pests. This goes far beyond a warm place to stay and food to eat. Pests are attracted to your home due to several everyday items that are often found in your house. Things that you had no idea would be the reason you are constantly battling pest infestations. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some of the ways that you are unknowingly attracting pests to your home.
What Attracts Bugs & Pests in Your House?
Following are some of the most common household items that many homeowners don’t realize attract pests. Removing any of them can help you keep the pest population in and around your home down.
– Bird Seed Attracts Bugs: If you are one that likes to feed and watch the bird in your backyard every morning as you drink your cup of coffee, you may want to think about other animals and pests that find your birdseed attractive as well. It can bring all sorts of wildlife onto your property.
– Pests are Attracted to Recycle Bins: We are all trying to do our part and recycle to save the world we live in. However, when you don’t clean out your recycle bin on a regular basis, this can be a place that flies and cockroaches like to congregate. They are attracted to the grime that tends to build up in the bottom of your bins.
– Do Boxes Attract Bugs?: If you have a lot of cardboard boxes in your attic, garage or basement, you may be attracting pests with them. Not only do mice like to build nests in them, but termites are attracted to boxes because they actually eat them. Get rid of any cardboard boxes you can to avoid these costly pests.
– Do Bugs Eat Paper?: Old newspapers tend to pile up in many houses. The problem with these papers is that they tend to also attract unwanted pests like cockroaches and silverfish who feast off the cellulose. Store any old papers in an airtight bin to avoid this problem.
– Why Do My Houseplants Keep Getting Bugs?: You may love the beauty that your houseplants add to your home. However, did you know that they also attract a number of pests as well? This can especially be true if you are watering your plants too much. Make sure your plants aren’t a breeding ground for pests.
– Do Dogs & Cats Attract Pests?: Your pets can bring in a number of pests like ticks, fleas and mites. Your pet’s food also attracts many pests like rodents and other wildlife. Store your pet’s food properly and have your pet checked and treated for any pest threats.
Pest Management Services
If you are struggling to keep pest populations under control in your home, you can turn to the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help. We have the experience to get rid of even the most severe infestations. Call us today!