How to Store Firewood to Avoid Termites, Insects, Pack Rats & Other Pests Out of Wood Piles in Marlton, NJ
As the nights start to cool dramatically this fall, you may find yourself aching to have a fire in your fireplace to help warm your bones. While nothing provides you with warmth quite like a fireplace or wood burning stove, your firewood can be the ticket that pests need to gain access into your home. The last thing you want is a pest infested firewood stack. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you keep your firewood pile pest free this fall and winter.
How Far Should Firewood Be from Your House?
Firewood is the perfect place to build a nest if you are a mouse, rat or any other rodent. When these nests are built in your firewood pile, they can grow to a large population and the risk of rodents gaining access into your home can be great. If your firewood is too close to your home, they can easily make their way into your home as the weather gets colder. You should always store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home.
Stacking & Storing Firewood Off the Ground
There are many ways you can easily keep your firewood off the ground. You can use a pallet, bricks or other stones to keep it a few inches from ground level. The reason you should attempt this is the risk of pest infestation is much greater when you have firewood stored on the ground. They can easily make their way into your stack to build a nest. When it is touching the ground, the bottom level is much less likely to get used.
Keep Firewood Dry
Keeping the firewood off the ground will also help you to keep it dry. This is such an important factor first of all, because you can’t burn wet firewood. You need the firewood to be dry so that you can easily burn it. Also, there are many pests that are attracted to wet or rotted wood. These pests include carpenter ants and termites; two of the most destructive pests out there. Keeping your firewood off the ground is the first step in keeping it dry and covering it is the second. Using a tarp or building some sort of covering will help you in this goal.
Inspect Firewood Before Bringing It Inside
Before you load up on firewood to take it inside, you should check it for pest activity. It is also wise to burn the wood as soon as you bring it inside so pests are sitting in your living room if they have snuck onto a log. Pests are far less active when they are on the firewood, out in the cold. When the wood warms up, they will too and will become much more active.
Year Round Pest Management
If you have pests in your home that you need help getting rid of, count on the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to make your home pest free. Call us today!