How to Prevent & Get Rid of Pharaoh Ants; Identification, Control & More in Ocean City, NJ
There are many species of ants that invade homes all throughout New Jersey. One of these common invaders are Pharaoh ants. There are many reasons why Pharaoh ants will invade a home and controlling these pests can become a major battle. Ross Environmental Solutions would like to shine the spotlight on Pharaoh ants and share more about their behavior, how to identify them and how to control them.
Identification of Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh ants are a very small species of ant. They only reach up to 1/16 of an inch in length. Pharaoh ants are a light yellowish brown color and with close inspection, one can see they have a reddish or black marking on the top of the abdomen.
How Long Do Pharaoh Ants Live?
Pharaoh ants have a very short life span. An adult Pharaoh ant lives only ten weeks, although queens can live between four to twelve months. From egg to adult only takes 38 days. However, even though they have a short life span, they can reproduce very quickly. Often Pharaoh ant colonies will house multiple queens, all at various stages of their life. Some younger queens will leave the colony after mating and take a few workers along with her to help her establish a new colony.
Where Do Pharaoh Ants Live & What Do They Eat
Pharaoh ants will nest outdoors during warmer seasons. However, as the temperatures drop, they will seek warmer nesting grounds. Pharaoh ants become a major problem during the fall and throughout winter as they will invade homes and other human structures. Pharaoh ants will eat anything but especially love sweet foods. They will crawl through plumbing, in cracks of foundations, and through small gaps in windows to enter any building. Additionally, controlling Pharaoh ants can be very difficult as incorrect pesticides will fail to treat them. They are one of the few ant species that is considered a major health concern. Pharaoh ants are known to spread dysentery and salmonellosis.
Pharaoh Ant Control
When Pharaoh ants invade a home, their presence can be easily detected. When they are discovered they truly should be treated by a professional. Pharaoh ants are hard to treat and are resistant to many insecticides, and as stated, they are a health concern. Once identified, a pest control specialist will determine which method is best suited for controlling the Pharaoh ants in your home. Ants can be treated with a number of different approaches. The best case is that the nest is located and treated directly. Other methods will use bait which can be carried back to the queens and hopefully kill them. In some cases, sticky or jelly traps are used and placed in the foraging paths. Depending on the location or building where the ants are invading will also determine the best course for control. Pharaoh ants are a major concern for hospitals as they can contaminate surgical instruments and more. However, insecticides can’t always be used inside hospitals. One of the key steps in controlling Pharaoh ants is to prevent them altogether. Pharaoh ants love sweet foods and are drawn to moist damp areas. By keeping a clean home or building, and preventing condensation from leaky plumbing, you can greatly deter Pharaoh ants. If you have Pharaoh ants or other pests invading your home or on a public or commercial property, contact Ross Environmental Solutions today.