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How to Prevent & Get Rid of Carpenter Ants & Nests in Your Mount Laurel, NJ Ceiling & Home

Carpenter ants are another wood destroying insect that can be quite destructive to your home if they are left to their own devices. It is important you get rid of any carpenter ants that you find around your home. They can be difficult to get rid of if you don’t know what you are looking for in the first place. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some information to help you identify and get rid of carpenter ants on your property.

Difference Between Carpenter Ants & Termites

Many people can confuse carpenter ants and termites because at first glance, they look very similar. When you are looking at them closely, if you know what to look for, they have some distinct differences such as:
Carpenter Ant Wings: Carpenter ants have two sets of wings just like termites do. However, carpenter ants have a set of larger and a set of smaller wings; while the wings on termites are the same size.
Ant Antennae: A termite’s antennae are straight while a carpenter ant’s antennae are bent.
Carpenter Ant Body Shape: Carpenter ants are distinguished often by their pinched waist. A termite’s body is straight and thick.

How to Know if You have Carpenter Ant Infestations in Your House

The first time you spot a carpenter ant, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are dealing with an infestation. If you see multiple large ants over the span of a couple days, you should be much more alarmed. You may also realize you have a problem if you can hear the ants moving around within your walls. They may even leave behind a sawdust looking substance called frass as they work to build their nest within the walls of your home. All of these clues indicate you have a large carpenter ant problem that should be addressed.

How to Prevent Carpenter Ants

Once you have gotten rid of all the carpenter ants in your home, the last thing you want to be dealing with is another infestation. Following are some tips to help you prevent this from happening in the future.
Seal Your Home: If you have any cracks or gaps around your doors or windows, it is important that these are sealed as they are the perfect place for ants to gain entrance into your home.
Remove Moisture: If you have any leaking pipes or standing water that is causing rotting wood, this will attract carpenter ants.
Store Wood Properly: Never stack your firewood near the entrance to your home. It should be at least 20 feet from your door. You should also remove any wood in your yard like old stumps and scrap wood to avoid ant infestation.
Trim Trees: You should never allow your trees to touch your house. The ants will literally just walk into your roof and make their way inside your home.

Ant Control

If you are dealing with a carpenter ant problem, call on Ross Environmental Solutions. We will perform a thorough ant inspection and then begin an effective custom treatment plan best suited to your needs. Contact us today!

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