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How to Make Carpenter Ants Suddenly Disappear & Keep Ant Infestations Away in Burlington, NJ

If you live in the Eastern United States, you know that carpenter ants are a huge problem. Households and business everywhere are dealing with these pests that, if left alone, can cause serious structural damage to your home. This is why it is so important that you are informed as to the best way to deal with them and avoid them in the first place. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share our best tips to help you keep carpenter ants out of your home and away for good.

Identify the Ant Species

Whenever you spot one of these ants in your home, you willknow it. They are the largest ants in the United States and are usually darkbrown or black. The thing that is important to remember is when you spot one ofthese ants, there are surely more where that came from. If you need to get acloser look at them, you can always catch one in a small container or plasticbag to take a closer look. These ants are often mistaken for termites, so lookfor the characteristics that identify them as ants: pinched waist, two sets ofwings different in size and bent antennae.

Watch Ant Trail in House

If you are wondering whether or not you are dealing with aninfestation, you can watch the ants over the next couple days for clues. Theywill usually travel in trails to their nests as they work to bring food back tothe colony. This will give you a good indication as to where the nests arelocated as well. It can be difficult to treat for these pests without propertraining and experience. They are often hiding within the walls of your home,and so it is best left up to the professionals to eradicate your carpenter antproblem.

Ant Prevention is Key

After you have eliminated the carpenter ant problem in yourhome, it is important you make sure they won’t simply come back again.Following are some tips to help you keep these pests out of your home.

  • Home Pest Sealing: Make sure there are no openingsthat they can squeeze through. This includes the smallest of cracks. Sealaround doors, windows, foundation and any other small cracks that could allowthem to gain access.
  • Fix Leaks that Attract Ants: Carpenter ants areattracted to wood that has been previously damaged by water. Fix any leaks andreplace any damaged wood to avoid infestation.
  • Remove Wood to Keep Ants Away: If you have anydead trees or stumps left from tree removal in your yard, you need to have itall removed to avoid attracting ants.
  • Store Firewood Properly: Store firewood at least20 feet away from the entrances into your home.
  • Trim Landscape: Your trees and bushes shouldn’tbe close to your home as this gives the ant’s access to your roof. Trim them atleast 3 feet away from the roof of your home.

Ant Control

If you are dealing with a carpenter ant problem, call on Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the problem under control! Call us today!

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