How to Keep Mice & Rats Out of Restaurants in Bridgeton, NJ; Pest Proof Trash Can, Seal Off Rodent Entry Points & More
When you are in the food and drink business, the last thing you can afford is a rodent problem. Nothing will bring your business to a screaming halt than a rodent infestation that gives you a bad rap. There are several things you can do to avoid rodents taking over your restaurant though. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to keep your restaurant free from rodents and other pest problems.
Pest Proof Trash Can & Store Waste Properly
Trash is an area that needs to stay organized or you will have a problem in no time. It is important that all of your trash bins have secured lids on them, and that they don’t get so full that said lids can’t close. Make sure your trash is getting emptied on a regular basis. It doesn’t hurt to even take the time to clean them whenever the need arises to avoid further pest problems.
Keep Commercial Kitchen Clean to Keep Mice & Rats Out
Your kitchen is one area that needs to stay clean at all costs. Even the smallest amount of crumbs can attract unwanted pests and rodents. Rodents aren’t picky eaters either. They will eat food whether it is fresh or rotting. This is why it is so important that food is disposed of or cleaned up as soon as possible to avoid attracting pests, including rodents. Not only should food be disposed of and cleaned after eaten, but you need to keep the equipment in the kitchen as clean as possible as well to avoid a rodent problem.
Seal off Rat & Mouse Entry Points
Unfortunately, rats and mice can gain entrance into your restaurant without needing a large opening to get in. In fact, mice can squeeze through a hole or opening as small as a dime while rats needs a quarter sized hole to crawl through. You need to inspect your building for any openings that could possibly allow any rodents to get into your restaurant. A good place to start is around any doors and windows. You should also check all the space around the foundation of the building for any sign of openings. You can either fill these openings in with caulking or you can also fill them with steel wool to keep rodents from getting in.
How to Tell if You Have Mice or Rats in Your Restaurant
Most of the time, the first thing that business owners notice about rodent activity is their droppings. These can be found all over the building, but especially near the food. You may also notice small holes that they have dug themselves through as well as signs of chewing. Rodents are notorious for chewing on wires, wood and other surfaces to file down their teeth.
Rodent Control
If you have noticed that there are signs of rodent activity in your restaurant, call on the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of them as soon as possible. We have the training and experience needed to get rid of even the biggest rodent infestations. Call us today!